Definition of Varied
varied (adjective) - characterized by variety
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How can varied be used in a sentence?
You can jig these spoons or retrieve in varied manners.
nullAlso, I like the kind of varied roles that Pankaj Kapoor does.
nullThe terms varied from sixty to ninety days, or so much off for cash.
nullSoon others from different industries would follow this trend in varied ways.
nullFur tends to come in varied shades of black and brown (Natural and Synthetic).
null4A, the pattern of GPAT expression varied depending upon the experimental path.
nullHer information is broad and varied, which is largely due to her studious habits.
nullWestern Asia whose name varied, while her type remained constant, from place to place.
nullYou won't benefit from, say, the kind of varied planting that a normal garden can enjoy.
nullThe phrase varied once more, more voices were added, and the music changed character again.
nullAs Cerryl questioned the bravo, the chandler's expression varied between fear and horrified interest.
nullFurthermore, his expression varied much according to circumstances, and the painter saw it only in repose.
nullHer job titles varied, but for over forty years, the official head of her department was always someone else.
nullIs it strange that, having no basis in national statistics, our local health figures "speak a varied language"?
nullI recalled the varied receptions they had met, and when I started on my second round they were hidden in my trunk.
nullCouncillor Tony Jones said he believed the policy would help achieve a "varied" evening economy in the town centre.
nullMy wife uses it extensively in varied dishes from sauces to desserts that call for heavy cream and it works perfectly.
nullAnd I am grinning unstoppably at the best line, (and planning to steal it often, in varied guise), "sheik Dunthorpe baby boomer transplants."
nullWhat she suffered she accepted as her "lot," or "The Will of God" -- the expression varied with the nature of the trouble; extreme pain was "The Will of
nullIn the older writings there are instances reported in which the period of abstinence has varied from a short time to endurance beyond the bounds of credulity.
nullPlayer rewards - unlock new game equipment such as varied Pool & Snooker table models and finishes, Air Hockey table, puck and mallet designs, Bowling ball patterns and Special
nullBut the name varied in various provinces.] [Footnote 188: The following abstract of the history of Virginia Maria de Leyva is based on Dandolo's _Signora di Monza_ (Milano, 1855).
null"I share your opinion, dear Mrs. ----" (the name varied according to circumstances) "about the value of birth; but one can't have everything; he is a most able man, and really charming.
nullThe Summer School gives people from all over the world a chance to present their challenging problems in varied math and science fields and work with others to find solutions using Mathematica.
nullInside, therefore, we gave ourselves up to enjoyment of what momma called the varied panorama around us; while, outside, the cabman passed in critical review half the gentleman's outfitters in London.
nullTogether with Dr Michael Cant, also of the University of Exeter, he devised research which would test the tradition theory by taking advantage of another mongoose trait, namely their varied eating habits.
nullAbout his nostrils and temples the hollows showed; the flush of sunburn was gone, leaving only a pallid brown over the ashen grey of his face; his expression varied between a strained smile and a fixed stare.
nullFor example, several patients may all be diagnosed with IBS but the individual factors underlying their illnesses may be varied, meaning that each requires different treatments to address their specific problems.
nullIn past Pew data for midterms, the percentage of young voters who said they definitely planned to vote has varied from a low of 39 percent (in 2002) to a high of 48 percent (in 2006) but has never risen above 50 percent.
nullWhile other companies, such as the outdoor-clothing brand Patagonia, have used recycled materials to make their products, few have enjoyed the wide distribution for the kind of varied product line offered by TerraCycle's Wal-Mart experience.
nullIn seeking to recall the varied feelings whose impress I remarked on his Majesty's countenance, I think I may affirm that he was even more deeply affected by being compelled to renounce the throne for his son than in resigning it for himself.
nullWho was to say whether she had the kind of varied real-world experience that I might benefit from, one that could yield the sort of rich understanding of social texture that the anthropologist Clifford Geertz referred to as "thick description"?
nullWith the activity levels calculated from the component libraries, the scientists turned to a computer model and designed and built a basic gene circuit to predict how fluorescent protein expression varied with levels of promoter-inhibiting chemicals.
nullWhatever its motive, the practice was clearly regarded, not as an orgy of lust, but as a solemn religious duty performed in the service of that great Mother Goddess of Western Asia whose name varied, while her type remained constant, from place to place.
nullSuch seemed the movement of Coleridge's words in lecture or in earnest discourse, and his countenance retained the same charms of benignity, gentleness, and intelligence, though this expression varied with the thoughts he uttered, and was much modified by his sensitive nature.
nullPerhaps it would not be too much to say that there are probably few men whose eyes do not differ from each other as to every element affecting vision by more than the degree from which gold and silver varied from the French standard of fifteen and a half to one for whole decades. "
nullAt the end of the day, Kim and the Hindu boy -- whose name varied at Lurgan's pleasure -- were expected to give a detailed account of all that they had seen and heard -- their view of each man's character, as shown in his face, talk, and manner, and their notions of his real errand.
nullThey were large, dark, and innocent; they lay far apart, heavily lidded and with wistful eyebrows above them; their expression varied easily from lucid serenity to a stricken, expectant look, like that of a threatened doe, and slight causes could make Miss Jakes's eyes look stricken.
nullWithout waiting to inform himself of the ideas entertained on these subjects by other men, he hastened to put forth his own crude notions in a work entitled "Mexico and its Religion," and twice reprinted by its enterprising publishers, with titles varied to suit what was supposed to be the popular taste.
nullIt is divulging no secret that the income that passed with the title varied between five and seven thousand pounds a year, according as coal was high, and tenants prosperous or not -- a mere miserable pittance, of course, for the Earl of Montdidier and Kirkudbrightshire; so that all his ventures, and therefore ours, had one avowed end -- shekels enough to lift the mortgages from his estates.
nullSo I don't really see it as long-term varied entry but the thing that this kind of interest seen about it that kind of make your question and we think about this is that there are opportunities in outside of DIRECT TV into international markets where they are starting with single wire technologies using CSS and as those markets start to move towards multi-room DVR and HDTV, the MoCA-CSS combo has significant benefits in those geographies.
Tips for Using varied in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with varied if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before varied in sentences. For example: "and varied" or "the varied"
- and
- the
- be
- more
- of
- is
- a
- have
- are
- most
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after varied in sentences. For example: "varied from" or "varied and"
- from
- and
- .
- in
- by
- with
- as
- between
- according
- considerably
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- topography
- considerably
- depending
- greatly
- fauna
- repertoire
- harsh
- ranging
- diet
- terrain
Alternate Definitions
- varied (adjective) - widely different
- varied (adjective) - broken away from sameness or identity or duplication
- varied (adjective) - changed; altered; various; diversified