Definition of Vehement
vehement (adjective) - characterized by great force or energy
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How can vehement be used in a sentence?
I mean why do you suppose there is this kind of vehement split?
nullThe project has vehement support from the majority of party figures.
nullAt least Dan Dillard had the nerve to stand up to the "vehement" mayor!
nullFreder, if you are so "vehement", why is this the first I've heard of it?
nullWhen people were interviewed about the idea, their responses were vehement.
nullFirst - can you explain the "vehement" opposition to the Amity Street proposal?
nullI have to admit, I am surprised at the vehement attacks on health care reform efforts.
nullThe Spanish were surprised by the vehement feelings Clegg expressed against Margaret Thatcher.
nullI find myself in vehement disagreement with the the insured's description of the "foam pit dance party."
nullFriday without meeting the kind of vehement pro-government response that has characterized past protests.
nullOne of the most fascinating predictions of relativity theory is that massive objects in vehement motion emit
nullOsama el-Baz: It definitely was a surprise because you don't expect this kind of vehement attack by a friend.
nullHe survived a vehement leg-before appeal first ball, and rode his luck further in Harmison's excellent last over.
nullHis oratory is described as vehement beyond example; so carried away did he become, that he found it necessary to have
nullI didn't have to pretend, I could be goofy, vehement, aggressive, and slovenly and open and funny and tough and my friends let me.
nulla kind of vehement running after her: in such sort doth she fly from us, and so many are the things which trip us up in that direction.
nullMONTAGNE: Why has the Taliban, though, then, been so vehement in opposing this conference, when it would seem to be an opportunity to talk?
nullMost recently, Carroll ensured the passage of SB 191, the controversial teacher tenure reform bill, despite vehement opposition from many Democrats.
nullDave and I were in vehement agreement about a lot of things, and tantamount was the need for the user experience of OpenID authentication to improve.
nullSenator Brandis, who has a son and daughter, believes Ms Gillard's "vehement" reaction is out of proportion - and that's because she doesn't have children.
nullThe facts confirm that the history of the Muslim Brotherhood is replete with vehement denunciations of anyone not a devout Muslim, and of all infidels, particularly Jews.
nullFacing vehement opposition from China, U.S. and South Korean officials decided to relocate the drills from the Yellow Sea, west of South Korea, to the Sea of Japan to the east.
null(1756-93) was first president of the National Convention, beginning his revolutionary career closely tied to Robespierre and ending it in vehement opposition to the Jacobin leader.
nullNot serious, exactly, but "vehement": "Returning Earth to its natural splendor and ending needless suffering of humanity are happy thoughts -- no sense moping around in gloom and doom."
nullIn his vehement dissent in Grutter, Justice Clarence Thomas said that the desire for diversity in the classroom is simply an aesthetic preference for students with different colors of skin.
nullOur Blessed Father, being informed of what had happened, and having every kind of vehement invective against the unfortunate person poured into his ears, only said: "Human misery! human misery!"
nullChavez, who has launched vehement criticism of Twitter, calling it a "tool of terror," has only recently changed his mind about the micro-blogging website, which has a large following in Venezuela.
nullThis is why a certain vehement anti-Catholicism is still alive and well within Protestantism, because those who go to the core of their faith can really only understand it in relation to Catholicism.
nullTrinity and Incarnation, instead of commanding their silent submission, were agitated in vehement and subtile controversies, which enlarged their faith at the expense, perhaps, of their charity and reason.
nullHAVANA - A Cuban opposition group held three small marches in Havana in support of jailed dissidents Friday without meeting the kind of vehement pro-government response that has characterized past protests.
nullIn fact, much of the world believes that Israel is so vehement about Iranian nukes because it wants to remain the only nuclear power in the Middle East, leaving it free to do what it wants, whenever it wants to.
nullIt is, I think, the most powerful, nonfictive prose in the English language, but it's a kind of vehement satire upon visionary projectors as it were, like myself, and so I figure it is a good tonic and corrective for me.
nullTexas, in 2003, over the vehement dissents of Chief Justice Rehnquist and Justices Scalia and Thomas, the Court held that the right to privacy protects a right of adults to engage in private consensual homosexual activity.
nullCharlotte Knobloch, the president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, said the incident reveals an urgent need to combat "vehement" anti-Semitism among Muslims in Germany, which she called the "new social challenge."
nullESCONDIDO, CA -- Spurred by an administration he believes to be guilty of numerous transgressions, self-described American patriot Kyle Mortensen, 47, is a vehement defender of ideas he seems to think are enshrined in the U.S.
nullIf the government does grant cricket the privilege of selling its rights exclusively to Sky, thereby excluding a huge audience who cannot or will not pay, the game must justify the vehement claims made for its grassroots investment.
nullRucker, whose group took some credit when CNN host Lou Dobbs (a vehement critic of "outsourcing") lost his show, couldn't see any straightforward reason why the business-funded Americans for Job Security would come out so hard against a common business practice.
nullBut so vehement is Madame Duval, that she would instantly have compelled me to attend her to town, in her way to Paris, had not Lady Howard so far exerted herself, as to declare she could by no means consent to my quitting her house, till she gave me up to you, by whose permission I had entered it.
nullThe singer, in fact, kept the volume cranked to 11 for most of the evening -- exciting as pure sound, but oversize for three perfumed, salon-scaled songs by Charles Griffes, and arguably too vehement for a pair of James Joyce settings by Samuel Barber (all partnered by the ever-eloquent pianist Warren Jones).
nullAnd the gyrations of arms, heads and bodily contortions which, strangely, seem to be indispensable with the exchanges of greetings among some of the Latin races, were enough to cause any sedate and practical onlooker to fear that a limb or two of the most vehement of the excited performers would suddenly be severed and fly off.
nullBoston's Beacon Hill Village got its start eight years ago when its first president, Susan McWhinney-Morse, discovered she had a "vehement" reaction to the idea of "the warehouse option -- clustering older people where we can be warmer and play golf better, but taking older people out of the community where they are," she recalls.
Tips for Using vehement in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with vehement if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before vehement in sentences. For example: "a vehement" or "the vehement"
- a
- the
- and
- most
- more
- his
- of
- so
- with
- was
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after vehement in sentences. For example: "vehement and" or "vehement in"
- and
- in
- .
- opposition
- protest
- desire
- protests
- than
- as
- attack
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- denunciation
- ponzi
- radicalism
- condemnation
- denouncing
- denial
- disapproval
- hostility
- opposition
- insistence
Alternate Definitions
- vehement (adjective) - acting with great force; furious; violent; impetuous; forcible; mighty
- vehement (adjective) - very ardent; very eager or urgent; very fervent; passionate