Definition of Wary
wary (adjective) - marked by keen caution and watchful prudence
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How can wary be used in a sentence?
He stopped and slowly turned, his expression wary.
nullThere seemed to be a kind of wary alliance between them.
nullShe sat in the chair opposite from him, her expression wary.
nullHe said many members of Congress are "wary" of expanded trade.
nullI'm kind of wary of your review since you said a MacBook Pro died.
nullI'm just kind of wary because of my track history with the GTA series.
nullAlexandra Burke has revealed that she is "wary" of finding a boyfriend.
nullThe California Association of Health Plans is "wary" about the foundation idea, said
nullUS 'wary' of Pak ability to break Taliban-Qaeda nexus in Afghanistan through dialogue
nullStill, some economists remain wary about the potential for action at Thursday's meeting.
nullThe Contessa spun to the Comte, her expression wary and her violet eyes dauntingly sharp.
nullI agree, I have run into many clients who are a bit "wary" due to the myriad online scams and such.
nullSo I remain wary of the argument that a PDF of a manuscript is so unpleasant that no one will read it.
nullBut when you've been out of work for certain amount of time -- for a decade or so -- you're kind of wary of it all.
nullThe two groups lived in wary but peaceful proximity, despite growing sectarian animosity elsewhere on the Subcontinent.
nullThe child must be comfortable in order to remain motionless; which you know is vital to calling a wary gobbler into gun range.
nullShe stayed in the same position in a kind of wary stupor; there was no telling how Conn would react to having his wishes flaunted.
nullI guess my reputation had preceded me and Martha was kind of wary of hooking up with a guy who thought he had a future in show business.
nullIn May, according to the Wall Street Journal, he said he was "wary" of government subsidies but that he supported federal help for nuclear power.
nullNetanyahu (if he were certain Netanyahu was eager for peace it would make it harder, not easier, for Abbas to enter talks!) or he is "wary" of Obama.
null"You're wanting bombita, you better go see Sendero Luminoso, " she said, giving him the kind of wary, patronizing smile one might give a known lunatic.
nullNotably more dovish than some of his colleagues, Evans said he was worried that unemployment may tick higher and he was "wary" of engaging in asset sales too early.
null"Quite that," agreed Salteris with a gentle smile, though Caris, watching him, thought he glimpsed a kind of wary scrutiny as the Archmage met the mad wizard's eyes.
nullMr. Viniar has never made an appearance on CNBC, for example, and he has remarked he is "wary" of public appearances because his comments could be taken out of context.
nullThe message began to play back, causing Tory to sit up straighter in her seat, her expression wary now as she looked across at her father; his brows were raised ruefully.
nullAs Connecticut voters remain wary of Sen. Chris Dodd, one state Democrat is openly suggesting the five-term senator abandon his re-election bid 'for the good of the party.'
nullDon't be "wary" (overly guarded), as this can draw your focus away from important tasks and clamp down on your creativity and openness, simply be "aware" (appropriately guarded).
null(CNN) - As Connecticut voters remain wary of Sen. Chris Dodd, one state Democrat is openly suggesting the five-term senator abandon his re-election bid "for the good of the party."
nullJason Spezza, the Senators top centre, had cautioned his team would have to be "wary" through the first 10 minutes of the game, expecting a full-out assault from the defending champs.
nullBasically, African-Americans are still feeling pretty good about their place in society, while Latinos are, as the headline to the story puts it, "wary" about our status in this country.
null"In particular, reducing rating over-reliance will require finding appropriate replacements, and it will be important that the authorities remain wary of unintended adverse consequences."
nullThe shoulders were high, the neck unpleasantly sinuous, and the face, a little narrower than human, was handsomely arrogant, with a kind of wary alert mischief that was the least human thing about him.
nullDistrict Judge Harold Baer said he was "wary" about some of Janette's representations about the Wakabayashi Fund because on some transactions her college-age son was listed as the president and not her.
nullDonna Christensen, a delegate to Congress from the US Virgin Islands and a Democrat, said she is now "wary" when she drives her Toyota Solara convertible and is concerned for family members who also drive Toyotas.
nullShe held the distaff which she bore in her hand (for she had been spinning) as if it were a spear; her limbs were goodly and shapely, and she trod the thick grass of the Vale with a kind of wary firmness, as though foemen might be lurking nearby.
nullSome scholars such as Kathy Peiss, Nan Enstad and James Livington tend to see consumption as a means of expressing identity and subjectivity, whereas others such as Sara Deutsch remain wary of the way consumer goods can be used to coerce and change cultures.
nullExplaining that the BBC was 'wary' of reporting the controversy over Mr Cook's private life, Mr Price continues: 'I duly followed the Patten story after having it confirmed, off the record, by Peter Mandelson, now "minister without portfolio" but in effect minister for information.'
nullYet some governments remain wary that such investment will lead to the 'development trap': a flood of cash that results in heightened corruption and largesse without building indigenous capacity, knowledge, management skills, or that allows movement up the global economic value chain.
nullBesides they are freed in this from many other infirmities, solitariness makes them more apt to contemplate, suspicion wary, which is a necessary humour in these times, [4074] Nam pol que maxime cavet, is saepe cautor captus est, he that takes most heed, is often circumvented, and overtaken.
null(Miliband said the decision was wrong because it was taken on the basis that Megrahi had less than three months to live, which has turned out not to be true.) 9. 27am: General Sir Mike Jackson, the former head of the army, told the Today programmehe was "wary" of setting deadlines for withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Tips for Using wary in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with wary if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before wary in sentences. For example: "be wary" or "a wary"
- be
- a
- and
- the
- was
- were
- are
- more
- very
- is
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after wary in sentences. For example: "wary of" or "wary ."
- of
- .
- and
- eye
- about
- in
- as
- to
- look
- that
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- retracted
- strangers
- fly
- intentions
- birds
- unlike
- suspicious
- accepting
- feared
- agrees
Alternate Definitions
- wary (adjective) - cautious of danger; carefully watching and guarding against deception, artifices, and dangers; timorously or suspiciously prudent; circumspect; scrupulous; careful
- wary (adjective) - characterized by caution; guarded; careful