Definition of Wheedle
wheedle (verb) - influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering
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How can wheedle be used in a sentence?
"No, and I tried to wheedle that out of him," she said.
nullThe truth was he could wheedle much from her, for he was-of her flesh.
nullThe emperors now had to wheedle taxes and manpower from these great powers.
nullAfter dealing with some small matters, I managed to wheedle my way in at Arden.
nullSo, Voldemort had managed to wheedle the location of the lost diadem out of the Gray Lady.
nullIf not, how did Action Canada wheedle their way in to this otherwise good group of charities?
nullIt's the half-crushed insect trying to wheedle its feeler through the windshield, its lips moving the whole time.
nullThen it wouldn't matter how much Democrats bicker and wheedle among themselves, there would still be a 60-40 split.
nullThen it wouldn't matter how much Democrats bicker and wheedle among themselves, there would still be a 60-40 split.
null* He was building it for me, because he was trying to cajole/entice/wheedle/pressure me into moving back in with them.
null"Why won't you tell me where she is?" he asked in his friendliest voice, and that would wheedle secrets from the Sphynx.
nullThis friend can be enticing and charismatic and knows how to wheedle her way into one's life and firmly entrench herself.
nullThe fat old fool had long outlived his usefulness; Narby was tired of having to wheedle him into giving the proper orders.
nullShe's always been ivory from her delightful neck upwards, but that don't mean she can't wheedle a duck from a pond when so minded.
nullTheir favorite words are words that can said with a sneer, but they enjoy words that bark, growl, whine, wheedle, and spit with rage too.
nullSomehow McCarthy managed to wheedle a rig on credit, but the following week it rained so hard it took 11 days just to drag it to the site.
nullOff in the distance, he could see James trying to wheedle his way into operating the crane that was lifting a large billboard into the sky.
nullSo attired, she travels to Atlanta to wheedle $300 out of her lover Rhett Butler to pay the taxes on Tara, her crumbling Georgia plantation.
nullWe have a lot more to come from both conventions and really wheedle down to what these candidates stand for in the experience that both offer.
nullIf North Korea does agree, economic distress and the opportunity to wheedle more aid out of China and the U.S. may explain this change of heart.
nullThe U.S. continues to wheedle and cajole to shore up what the Bush administration considers the two main fronts against terrorism, Iraq and Afghanistan.
nullThe FDA should have the authority to order recalls of tainted food, and not have to wheedle and cajole to get a company to retrieve a contaminated product.
nullMen had begun to openly talk of defeat and started calculating among themselves what kind of terms they might be able to wheedle from the victorious English.
nullIn the first episode, for example, she showed up at a crime scene and unfastened the top two buttons of her blouse to wheedle the goods from a night watchman.
nullCaptains of finance must wheedle with lowly gallery assistants for the magic card that will admit them to the NetJets Lounge for the only good coffee in Basel.
nullSadly, copious pleading failed to wheedle the recipe out of Mr. Cate's hands: To enjoy a Forbidden Island, you'll have to visit the Alameda oasis of the same name.
nullName an item from the produce aisle, and Cook's Illustrated has grilled it, steamed it, baked it, roasted it or done whatever it takes to wheedle out its vegetable essence.
nullVarian used a sharper tone than she normally employed with Bonnard but his insistence, his air that he had only to wheedle enough and his wish would be granted, annoyed her.
nullAt every opportunity, an Iranian will do his level best to find the shortcut, outsmart the boss, bend the rules and otherwise coax, wheedle, charm and haggle his way out of a situation.
nullI guarantee Blagojevich is too busy trying to wheedle his way out of this mess to worry about trying to implicate someone who - by Blagojevich's own taped words - wouldn't play ball with him.
nullPam and Mangles, you see, had given me no proper directions at all: I was supposed to wheedle her into being a loyal little British subject, but I'd no power to make concessions to any of her grievances.
nullIn puzzle mode that initially just means activating them slowly enough not to cause collisions, but later levels demand deeper experimentation with order and timing before you wheedle out a viable solution.
nullI was able to wheedle my way into the speaker's line-up at the three-day public meeting at which the Christian Right came into existence, the National Affairs Briefing Conference, held in Dallas in late summer, 1980.
nullI'd have thought Bitchney might throw it, as then the onus for keeping Brachel on the block would fall on him not her, and she wouldn't have had to put up with Boobiac trying to wheedle her into taking her off the block.
nullMs. LENHART: We heard from teens who said, you know, when I want the yes, I'll go to the phone because my parents can hear my voice and I can kind of wheedle and I can charm them, and that's how I'm going to get what I want.
nullOver the next year, Senators John Kerry, Lindsey Grahm, and Joe Lieberman (the infamous K.G.L.) worked tirelessly to placate, wheedle, and compromise with industry and Republicans to try and build support for a weak climate bill.
nullIn their anti-rational propaganda the enemies of freedom systematically pervert the resources of language in order to wheedle or stampede their victims into thinking, feeling and acting as they, the mind-manipulators, want them to think, feel and act.
nullThe Lebanese-born Mr. Piro, one of only a handful of agents at the bureau who speaks Arabic, was able to wheedle information from Saddam over a matter of months through a combination of flattery and ego-deflation that worked wonders with the former despot.
nullWhy, he's the gentleman to whom the Police Foundation paid nearly half a million dollars between 2006 and 2009 to burnish Kelly's image and introduce him to A-list New Yorkers, ostensibly to wheedle money for the foundation from the city's richest and most famous.
nullThen we turn to the role - or, more accurately, non-role - of unions during those last weeks of the healthcare reform debate, when Richard Trumka, President of the AFL/CIO, met with our president to wheedle for those coming taxes on "Cadillac" plans to be held off until 2018.
nullAnd if that wasn't enough, I was to sneak about some savage Indian kingdom (Thug country, for a bonus), spying on some withered old bitch of an Indian princess and trying to wheedle her to British interest against her will - and she probably the kind of hag whose idea of fun would be to chain malefactors to a rogue elephant's foot.
Tips for Using wheedle in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with wheedle if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before wheedle in sentences. For example: "to wheedle" or "and wheedle"
- to
- and
- could
- can
- or
- not
- would
- will
- you
- always
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after wheedle in sentences. For example: "wheedle the" or "wheedle and"
- the
- and
- a
- out
- him
- .
- her
- me
- his
- or
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- needle
- mascot
- seattle
- mrs
- space
- character
Alternate Definitions
- wheedle (noun) - a piece of cajolery; a flattering or coaxing speech; a hoax
- wheedle (transitive verb) - to entice by soft words; to cajole; to flatter; to coax
- wheedle (transitive verb) - to grain, or get away, by flattery
- wheedle (intransitive verb) - to flatter; to coax; to cajole