Definition of Yeoman
yeoman (noun) - officer in the (ceremonial) bodyguard of the British monarch
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How can yeoman be used in a sentence?
"Is there any law that says a yeoman must be a man?"
nullNimoy arrives, greeted by mayor and his 'yeoman' in uniform
nullThey burnt her for the yeoman of the trapezoid in the landfall.
nullAnd in the Navy, a "yeoman" is a clerk, the guy who fills out all the paperwork.
nullHe was what we may call a yeoman, that most wholesome and natural of all classes.
nullMeanwhile, deep down, you know the Blackberry in your pocket is doing yeoman work.
nullIn the 19th century, Americans still clung to Thomas Jefferson's hope of yeoman farms.
null: one unduly fearful of what is foreign and especially of people of foreign origin yeoman
nullThe word yeoman was under stood in the old English sense of the small independent farmers.
null[Footnote: The yeo of yeoman, which is conjectured to have meant district, cognate with Ger.
nullThey have done 'yeoman's service' in the press, hitting all sides, but bearing most heavily on
nullTE Todd Yoder remains a yeoman blocker and he had three touchdowns on just four catches in 2009.
nullOfficially known as yeoman warders, Beefeaters have guarded the Tower in central London since 1485.
nullYou can consider these the station wagon or "yeoman" class of WD drives, perfect for most occasions.
null'yeoman's service' at a crisis the most awful -- than other qualities of greater name and pretension.
nullWhen told that the answer was "no", Daniels responded, "Then enroll women in the Naval Reserve as yeoman."
nullBates is described as a yeoman, and "a man of mean station, who had been much persecuted on account of religion."
nullBeefeaters are originally called yeoman warders, originally assigned in the 15th century to guard high profile prisoners.
nullThe word yeoman is often used as an equivalent term and sometimes the original Scandinavian form _bonde_ is used in English.
nullThat article went on to say, Aside from the yeoman efforts of the NEA chairman, what could possibly explain the sudden change?
nullOn one hand, he saw farming as a business that needed to improve its efficiency; on the other hand, he saw farmers as "yeoman,"
nullAugust 29, 1916, a new class of female yeoman, known as Yeoman (F) or, more popularly, "yeomanettes", was established in the Navy.
nullThe term favored in Jacksonian Democracy was "yeoman", which emphasized an independent political spirit and economic self-reliance.
nullThe Constitution's limits on government power that so enthrall you, they were designed for a time of yeoman farmers and local shopkeepers.
nullBut nothing can produce a tingle in the loins of a Conservative commentator more than associating themselves with those solid yeoman workers.
nullCameron and her 34 male colleagues, who are officially known as yeoman warders, are all former armed forces personnel with over 20 years 'service.
nullMs Cameron and her 34 male colleagues, who are officially known as yeoman warders, are all former armed forces personnel with over 20 years 'service.
nullThere were larger allotments known as yeoman and capitalist grants, but the peasants are the only class who have turned out quite satisfactory farmers.
nullOtherwise, the US has basically ignored the ongoing day-to-day human crisis in Haiti, while Cuba has been doing the yeoman work of providing basic health care.
nullI am aware that my own MP and friend, NDP foreign affairs critic Paul Dewar, who did yeoman work on the Abdelrazik affair, raised the Mohamud matter with DFAIT.
nullAnyway, I was wondering - do repeated references to Admiral Piett's ... uh ... "yeoman" quite possibly violate the Galactic Empire's Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy?
nullThe gospel of Mark and the dialectics of Marx came together: Socialist preachers hailed Jesus as a great labor leader, the heaven-sent friend of the yeoman farmer.
nullThe plain Anglo-Saxon yeoman strain which was really the basis of his nature now asserted itself in the growing conservatism of ideas which marked the last forty years of his life.
nullHe worked for the now-defunct Tulsa Tribune and for the University of Chicago's press relations office before serving during World War II as a Navy yeoman aboard a destroyer escort.
nullAt the same time that such things were happening, the US was engaging in ethnic cleansing on the frontier in order to further the interests of wealthy industrialists and poor yeoman farmers.
nullThe yeoman was a little dashed on Natura's speaking in this manner, and was some moments before he could recollect himself sufficiently to make any reply; and, when at last he had, all he could bring out was,
nullRabbi Moshe Averick has done yeoman's work in deconstructing the popular arguments in favor of naturalistic explanations to the origin of life and has concurrently demonstrated the high degree of intellectual vigor of theistic reasoning.
nullThe two English servants, it will be observed, were the same "yeoman" and "page" who had set out with him on his youthful travels in 1809; and now, -- for the second and last time taking leave of his country, -- on the 25th of April he sailed for Ostend.
nullGoodman Mascall, Goodman Cockswet, etc., and in matters of law these and the like are called thus, _Giles Jewd, yeoman; Edward Mountford, yeoman; James Cocke, yeoman; Harry Butcher, yeoman_, etc.; by which addition they are exempt from the vulgar and common sorts.
nullSalon's Mike Madden does yeoman work on unraveling a too-strange-to-be true allegation lobbed at Democrats -- that the DNC might have been tipped off on the SEC's lawsuit against Goldman Sachs because it bought Google AdWords that would direct googlers to DNC web pages.
nullWhere Jefferson and Jackson dreamed of preserving a bucolic nation of yeoman farmers, Clay adopted Hamilton's more prophetic vision of using a strong and active central government to create a powerful industrial and commercial state, and to create a new freedom: the freedom of opportunity.
nullIronically, John Rust was a socialist, and -- and he believed that the mechanical cotton picker would be used to establish socialism in the Southern cotton fields, and that the -- the farms would be turned over to the sharecroppers, each sharecropper would have a cotton picking machine and would become a kind of yeoman farmer.
nullFrom the joys of exploration to the simple pleasures of curling up in your own quarters (often with a hot yeoman and a cold drink), from the value of friendship to the value of calling someone's bluff, I've learned dozens of life skills, lessons and even values from the iconic show that ran only three years in prime time when it originally debuted (before I was born).
nullIt remains to add, which I have slightly noticed before, that this woman was of unusual personal strength: her bodily frame matched with her intellectual: and I notice this _now_ with the more emphasis, because I am coming rapidly upon ground where it will be seen that this one qualification was of more summary importance to us -- did us more 'yeoman's service' at a crisis the most awful -- than other qualities of greater name and pretension.
Tips for Using yeoman in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with yeoman if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before yeoman in sentences. For example: "the yeoman" or "a yeoman"
- the
- a
- of
- did
- and
- english
- done
- chief
- his
- rendered
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after yeoman in sentences. For example: "yeoman of" or "yeoman service"
- of
- service
- farmers
- .
- farmer
- and
- class
- in
- who
- stock
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- warder
- yeomen
- plotter
- gent
- veer
- farmer
- wardrobe
- oppressive
- rand
- usher
Alternate Definitions
- yeoman (noun) - in former times was free and cultivated his own land
- yeoman (noun) - a retainer; a guard
- yeoman (noun) - one holding a subordinate position, as an attendant or assistant, journeyman, etc
- yeoman (noun) - in <em>old english law</em>, one having free land of forty shillings by the year (previously five nobles), who was thereby qualified to serve on juries, vote for knights of the shire, and do any other act for which the law required one who was “probus et legalis homo” (<em>blackstone</em>, com., i. xii.); hence, in recent english use, one owning (and usually himself cultivating) a small landed property; a freeholder
- yeoman (noun) - in the united states navy, an appointed petty officer who has charge of the stores in his department
- yeoman (noun) - a common man, or one of the commonly of the first or most respectable class; a freeholder; a man free born
- yeoman (noun) - a servant; a retainer
- yeoman (noun) - an interior officer under the boatswain, gunner, or carpenters, charged with the stowage, account, and distribution of the stores
- yeoman (noun) - one of the bodyguard of the english sovereign, consisting of the hundred yeomen, armed with partisans, and habited in the costume of the sixteenth century. they are members of the royal household