Definition of Yet
yet (adverb) - up to the present time
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How can yet be used in a sentence?
I havent got a title yet but I have an album coming out.
null"I don't have a word yet to describe Freese," Albert Pujols said.
null"You are right, you are right, but her heart don't bleed yet -- _not yet_."
nullWe have not 100% decided on the title yet, but that one is the front-runner.
nullIt will be out fall of 2010 and sadly, I haven't even asked about the title yet!
nullCNN's new 8PM show doesn't have a title yet, but rest assured it won't be "Crossfire 2."
nullShe'll back again in part two -- we don't know the title yet -- of "The Princess Diaries."
nullThe presidential race doesn't have a title yet, but here's a fitting one: "All About Bill."
nullShe did mention Coryston, only to say with energy: "I don't want to see him yet -- not _yet_!"
nullIt's off of her new album that doesn't have a title yet, but hitting record stores November 13th.
null"Time enough yet, when she was only eighteen, plenty more gemmen; no hurry _yet_ for Miss Fannie."
nullNow the book, which doesn't have a title yet, is set to be published sometime in the spring of 2010.
nullAnd since it's the best thing Morrison's written for the title yet, it became the best Bat-story in ages.
nullThe newest version of the 737, which first entered service in the late 1960s, hasn't been given a name yet.
nullObama's only two years ino his term yet no one questions the forsaking of his position for his own vainglory.
nullWith a two-game lead on Kentucky for the SEC crown, a win tonight would all but lock the Lady Vols for the title yet again.
nullI've always wanted to juggle being a domestic Diva and "keeping my stride stank" (even though I didn't know the term yet, lol)
nullRecent amendments to the Copyright Act expanded the term yet again, letting it run for the life of the author plus seventy years.
nullV. i.52 (246,8) A poor Aegyptian yet; the queen my mistress] If this punctuation be right, the man means to say, that he is _yet an
nullThere may be some lurking out there, that are first-time directors that are absolute geniuses, they don't even have a name yet in my head.
nullOvechkin was last year's recipient of the the league's most valuable player trophy and has a strong chance of claiming the title yet again.
nullA male of the Caucasian Persuasion hasn't taken the title yet Clay was close, but Ruben woulda sat on him if he won, so he backed down, HAR.
null"Managing Preval will remain challenging during the remainder of his term yet doing so is key to our success and that of Haiti," the memo said.
nullAs Charlie and Lincoln mentioned in the final moments of the episode, Baby Dunham didn't have a name yet and there are several options out there.
nullThe law says such employees can take up to 12 weeks of FMLA leave for a "qualifying exigency," a term yet to be defined by the Department of Labor.
nullThe Algerian international said: "I'm happy because we have not won the title yet and I can be on the pitch because it's better to be on the pitch."
nullThe law says such employees can take as many as 12 weeks of FMLA leave for a "qualifying exigency," a term yet to be defined by the Labor Department.
nullA month later I called to ask if they had found a buyer, Mr. Ma said they have, but he still cannot disclose the name yet as the transfer is not complete.
nullLA will be aiming for the title yet again, but will be getting tough competition this year from Colorado (again) and increased attention on Arizona will be required.
null_ -- Children, on account of the as yet deficient control of the external organs of speech, especially of the tongue, can _not yet_ form some sounds, and therefore omit them.
nullYou might not be focused on the title yet but the moves you make to your roster at the start of the season could have a major impact on your team's landscape come playoff time.
nullPerhaps this kind of significance is all Campbell meant by major, and he knew he could pull a few legs and start a wave of speculation with his use of the term yet still justify it later?
nullHe hasn't reached the half-way point of his term yet, but Christie had already earned a reputation nationally as a brash fiscal conservative who had taken on state employee and teachers unions.
nullI may be way behind the times with this notation, but I just finished reading THE MYSTERIOUS BENEDICT SOCIETY (fantastic book), and Sticky, one of the heroes, has brown skin -- yet is portrayed as a white boy on the cover.
nullAlthough Fox Home Entertainment hasn't formally announced the title yet (meaning that all the following info is subject to change, of course), an early alert to retailers states that the studio is planning to release all 15 episodes of
nullWhen asked if the new album has a title yet, Asher said "I'm not going to release the title yet, just 'cause you know I want people to take in Seared Foie Gras With Quince And Cranberry for a couple months before I get them excited about the album."
nullAnd as he is neither yet a world-class fighter (he's getting there, but way too young to use the term yet) nor the kind of lower-tier challengers Collazo easily disposes of, there is a bit of ambivalence as to how Collazo will approach the situation.
nullEli Roth ( "Hostel") says that he's developing a new epic sci-fi film: "I don't want to give away the title yet, because I have to make sure I own it 100 percent, but it's going to be something that is really fun, with lots of mass destruction," he said.
nullThe site where I found this gem which compares people using their constitutional right of free speech to the crimes of the Nazis mixes "conservative" and "intelligence" in the title yet this quote shows that combo to be an oxymoron in at least one instance.
nullIf you haven't heard much about the title yet, then it promises to bring some novel additions to traditional open world, sandbox gameplay with the application of shape-shifting powers and a touch of amnesia (an intriguing mix of plot devices, we're sure you'll agree).
nullTo surrender was made very difficult for me by Eugene Field, who had publicly celebrated me as "the sturdy opponent of the swallow-tail suit," and yet he himself, -- though still outwardly faithful -- had been heard to say, "I may be forced to wear the damned thing _yet_."
nullWe aren't giving away the title yet but we can tell you a sparkling slab of the album has been produced by Klass Ahlund who won acclaim after producing Robyn's genre breaking album whilst Duffy and long time Babes collaborator Steve Booker also makes a dramatic contribution.
nullHe claims his latest evidence for his book, which doesn't have a publishing date or a title yet, solves the mystery of which ancient civilization mined thousands of copper mines around Lake Superior on the Canadian-American border as early as 2,200 B.C., leaving behind thousands of knives, harpoons and other objects.
nullThen all the foreign matter, the defilement which earth pours into them, falls to the ground, and into them the trout work up for life and health and food; and through their swift yet yielding eddies -- _moulding themselves to every accident_, _yet separate and undefiled_ -- shine up the delicate beauties of the subaqueous world, the
nullBefore yet a song of joy or of mourning had gone forth from the valleys of Norway -- before yet a smoke-wreath had ascended from its huts -- before an axe had felled a tree of its woods -- before yet king Nor burst forth from Jotunhem to seek his lost sister, and passing through the land gave to it his name; nay, before _yet_ there was a Norwegian, stood the high
Tips for Using yet in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with yet if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before yet in sentences. For example: "not yet" or "and yet"
- not
- and
- as
- has
- is
- have
- had
- was
- but
- are
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after yet in sentences. For example: "yet the" or "yet it"
- the
- it
- to
- been
- .
- he
- another
- in
- i
- they
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- understood
- another
- fully
Alternate Definitions
- yet (adverb) - within an indefinite time or at an unspecified future time
- yet (noun) - a west african volute of the genus <em>cymbium</em>; a boat-shell. see cut under <internalxref urlencoded="cymbium">cymbium</internalxref>
- yet (adverb) - in addition; further; besides; over and above; still
- yet (adverb) - at the same time; by continuance from a former state; still
- yet (adverb) - before some future time; before the end; eventually; in time
- yet (adverb) - even; -- used emphatically
- yet (noun) - any one of several species of large marine gastropods belonging to the genus yetus, or cymba; a boat shell
- yet (conjunction) - nevertheless; notwithstanding; however