Definition of Yore
yore (noun) - time long past
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How can yore be used in a sentence?
Yew want yore full money, yew tek th 'hull shebang!
nullThe internet equivalent to the flying pickets of yore!
null"Ah don 'believe yore f'm Washin'ton at all," says she.
null"What are you-all goin 'to call yore next?" asked Willows.
nullIn days of yore, AIPAC would never do anything this blatant.
nullAnd by "yore," I mean movies that came out way back in March.
nullNow that he is a candidate it pays to remember the Tom Tancredo of yore.
nullHere's pics of Tavi and Gwen we're taping them in our mental lockers of yore:
nullThe weak man, as of yore, is the servant, the doer of things at the master's call.
nullIs not the anti-Latin flavor of today the anti-German and anti-Italian flavor of yore?
nullWhy, yore home wuz in Kaintuck'-till you bust the minister's winder en had ter vamoose!
nullIronically, the Vida Fitness at 15th and P was built underground, like the gyms of yore.
nullDowntown Morelia, moribund by night in days of yore, is seeing a revitalization by some new entrants.
nullLike the Serbs of yore, we Israelis continue thinking it's the world that is wrong, and only we who are right.
null"Let me call yore attention to the trained coyotes, ladies an 'gents," remarked Johnny in a deep, solemn voice.
null"An 'what is yore destination, suh?" cries she pertly, showing neat little teeth and bright eyes behind the veil.
null"It is whah they'd have you, suh, if they caught you teachin 'any o' those railroad accidents o 'yore's to the young."
nullHe probably couldn't fill a medium-size concert hall, but he's still making music that goes beyond rehashing the greatest hits of yore.
nullI never got the impression that he was trying to say that the Progressivism of yore is similar to EITHER liberalism or modern progressivism.
nullSpotted Tail has a straight tongue; then agin, Sioux kin be mean varmints-'thout I wuz here, they'd ha 'had yore hoss an' traps for sho ', mebbe yore ha'r, too.
nullNow gold's fans include not just the day traders and survivalists of yore but conservative people looking for a hedge against inflation or a long-term investment.
nullWhile these financing packages are still a far cry from those arranged for the megadeals of yore, the staple is quietly showing up in a number of new transactions.
nullThe result is often an awkward presentation and verbiage that would confuse Norm Crosby (if you remember that comedian of yore, give yourself three no spin points).
nullHead to the formal dining room in the rear, as the lair functions as a time machine to a New York of yore: bricks, low lighting and whispered conversations among suited patrons.
nullSimply put, people have discovered -- albeit by circumstance -- that they actually prefer their pared down, leisure-oriented purchases to the more lavish consumption patterns of yore.
nullIn his spiel-cum-disarming-stand-up-routine afterwards he explained how, in days of yore, Ripon householders would pay a small amount to the hornblower as the city's gates were closed.
nullLots-O 'was the subject of a viral campaign some weeks back, when "McCrazy commercials" featured the bear in a' 80s-style "ad" -- along with 17 real kiddie commercials from decades of yore.
nullThe house you sell here will buy you a trailer there and you can sit around on "yore" plastic lawn chair under "yore" plastic retractable awning and go, "Whooee these hyar radishes sho 'is good.
nullBut I have bought one nightgown pattern, which I thought would work well as a dress - even many nightgowns of yore seem to have more interesting designs than many dresses of... whatever the opposite of "yore" is.
nullThis feature is like the Loopt of yore, meaning it provides you with implicit location-sharing options so you can always share your whereabouts with a set group of friends without needing to check in to locations.
nullWhat's more, most Wall Street firms are now global publicly held companies, not the private partnerships of yore, meaning a CEO must be skilled both in presenting the public face of a company and understanding the nitty-gritty of finance.
nullLike days of yore when athletes would race horses, celebs would appear in sulkies and the legendary publicist Irving Rudd purposely misspelled the name of the track on its outside, the facility is still finding ways to set itself apart and draw attention.
nullEvery year, by tacit agreement with the public, Hollywood is expected to produce at least one surprise hit, one out-of-nowhere dark horse or, in a pinch, one cunningly hyped movie that either exhumes a noted actor from the grave or greases the skids so some solid journeyman can ascend to the ranks of the Oscar Winners of yore.
nullI for one approve of this measure: by encouraging the police to become more and more authoritarian -- to the point where we will all have to move en masse into a giant prison -- it will bring about the Glorious Revolution II and thus a bloodless end to the police as an organzined force and return of the humble amateur City Watchman of yore.
nullMcCain can do what he likes, and I'd certainly appreciate the re-emergence of the John McCain of ancient yore, but realistically speaking, he finds himself caught between a Democratic caucus that doesn't much trust him anymore and his Republican colleagues, who will happily embrace McCain if he's doing things like supporting a change to the Fourteenth Amendment.
nullAs appealing as it might be to imagine, say, Dick Fuld stripped of worldly goods, as Cohan implies would have happened if his scheme had existed when Lehman Brothers collapsed, it's less appealing to imagine all the businesses that might not have been financed over the past 40 years if Wall Street had not migrated from private partnerships of yore to limited partnerships and public corporations.
Tips for Using yore in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with yore if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before yore in sentences. For example: "of yore" or "new yore"
- of
- new
- in
- on
- the
- to
- with
- and
- up
- for
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after yore in sentences. For example: "yore ." or "yore the"
- .
- the
- and
- to
- in
- were
- when
- by
- had
- own
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- chorus
- poem
- temple
- parish
- old
- saint
- your
- lived
Alternate Definitions
- yore (adverb) - in time long past; in old time; long since