Definition of Zany
zany (noun) - a buffoon in one of the old comedies; imitates others for ludicrous effect
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How can zany be used in a sentence?
People that support the free market are "zany"????
nullIt's these kind of zany stories that make life worth living!
nullThe "zany" nerds of Silicon Valley look for meaning beyond the laboratory.
null"I don't know too many people who use the word 'zany,'" Axelrod told Fox News'
nullThis campaign has a "zany" quality to it, as one longtime Republican strategist put it.
nullWell, I have decided I must not hide from my strange Blog-life, or JW's legacy, or from "zany"
nullThis job listing also serves as a very important reminder - namely, not to use the word "zany".
nullThis has the same "zany," nyuck-nyuck tone as the story, and is therefore just about unreadable.
nullSo she called me a "zany," and then after a little a "toad," but went on stroking my lady's hair.
nullThe piece had been hyped as a "zany" take on Frankenstein, Dracula, James Bond and other pop monsters and heroes.
nullCandy Makes You Smart?, which finds Morgan and Fisher having "zany" adventures on their quest to "save the world!!!"
nullThe Animaniacs, for example, were more grating to me than "zany," hard as they worked to assure me they were the latter.
nullCramer though, as one can see hereon has this "zany" idea that Geithner has demonstrated he is not qualified for this job.
nullIt can be "zany" or not (Beckett is zany in Waiting for Godot, not in How It Is or The Unnameable, but the effect is the same).
nullAll that makes the lyrics distinctive is the annoying sub-Walrus "zany" string of phrases that make up "Real Slime", for example.
nullIn both films, it is clearly acknowledged that the women are expected to have an abortion, while having the kid is the 'zany' option.
nullSure, its important to grow an' mature in your work, but I sure would like to see Clowes just be "zany" again, if only for a change of pace.
nullBut at least receptionist Eileen De Bont's excuse is that her "zany" stunt was for a good cause (raising several grand for Children In Need).
nullThe 'zany' 'spoofy' elements (if any) was not something I've been concerned with but it's actually about something Akshay said on Piture This.
nullMost of his movies ended happily, narratives tripping over the occasional problem or personal pothole before reaching a kind of zany Zen optimism.
nullAmong the themes to steer well clear of in the current climate are fear, experimentation (such as extreme sports activities), risk-taking and "zany" humor.
null(The main exception, the outright frivolity of "Get on Your Boots," comes right in the middle, as if the band thought it needed some kind of zany halftime.)
nullThere are times when it feels like the writers are reaching too far to come up with "zany" dialogue, rather than letting the game's own weirdness speak for itself.
nullAnd being comfortable around someone without worrying that you're screwing up and making a moron outta yourself buy just being your normal weird (oops "zany") self.
nullI hate to be one of those not-a-disaster people, but this does look to be an intentionally "zany" design, putting the head and back-pocket package out of proportion.
nullSince I dislike "zany," particularly the Germanic variety, expectations were very low so it was a complete delight to find that the music was inventive, fun and varied.
nullAlthough The Mirror slammed Smith for being too "zany" and akin to his "eccentric" predecessor David Tennant at first, critic Jim Shelley did concede that the young actor
nullBut the fuss that we put into the entire process often seems to serve a different purpose - making money for the death industry, or whatever "zany" phrase you want to call it.
nullAlthough The Mirror slammed Smith for being too "zany" and akin to his predecessor at first, critic Jim Shelley did concede that the young actor "gradually found his own voice".
nullThe sorry excuse for a sandbox game is all wrapped up in a 'fetch this / kill that' mission-set epitomising boredom, justified by a 'zany' story even Uwe Boll would steer clear of.
nullThose reported to have lost houses in the community dubbed "America's Riviera" included actor Christopher Lloyd, best known as the zany scientist in the "Back to the Future" movies.
nullThose reported to have lost houses in the community dubbed "America's Riviera" include actor Christopher Lloyd, best known as zany scientist Doc Brown in the Back To The Future films.
nullAnd while that may sound like the basis of a pretty good game, especially since it will most definitely have a considerable budged, the fact that "zany" ideas are frowned upon is a bit disappointing.
nullI'm of two minds about Pitt's performance here, which is superbly detailed and often very funny but becomes a kind of zany conceptual art piece, detached from the story the Coens are supposedly trying to tell.
null"Too often, we get prosecutors that think they're going to get their 15 minutes of fame by making some kind of zany decision they feel panders to the anger in the public," says Mr. Busch, now a defense attorney.
nullHe just believes in this crazy little thing called "Fair Use", which is some kind of zany idea that these old guys in powdered wigs in the eighteenth century had, whereby corporations would not own all speech forever.
nullThe former Massachusetts governor has been going negative on Gingrich, using the word "zany" in a New York Times interview Wednesday to make the point that whoever GOP voters choose as their White House nominee will need to have "sobriety."
nullBuchanan, a member of heavy metal group Marseille, understood that kids love anarchy and it was his own unique 'zany' approach (do you remember the show's comedy character The Head!) that made the programme a runaway success and its a host a TV icon.
nullThe $40 million, eight-week "Lets Do Amazing" campaign features a number of celebs like "zany" comedian Rhys Darby and photographer Annie Leibovitz in pitches meant to give the very serious company a lighthearted makeover while explaining what it does.
nullThe footage of Afghanistan isn't just a shot of a cannon firing cutting to a shot of Kabul, but includes six slow minutes of government troops, poring over a manual, typical 'zany' piece about the life of soldiers, full of conveniently 'absurd' imagery.
nullAnd lest anyone be tempted to unearth the tired old argument that the inclusion of these stories is not because they are meant to be "zany" and "humorous," but because they are about something unusual, let me just point out that very point of the main story in question is that "child marriage" is far too common.
nullThat he would use this term, as well as the equally condescending "zany" in referring to this latter comedy makes his valuation of it clear enough, but later he also remarks that "Evelyn Waugh, alas, still represents the great image of English comedy in the 20th century, rather than his subtler and gentler contemporary, Henry Green."
nullBut the delicious absurdity is undone by Miike's unfortunate self-indulgence, meaning what should have been a film with an air of sentimentality and meaningful profundity, that also indulged his evident "zany" side, comes across a little like those painful, tasteless work-mates everyone has who shouts "I'm mad, me" after every cider-fuelled bout of "hilarity".
nullAnd you know, what's very interesting is how the ratification actually came about because, unfortunately -- I wish I could say it was Lemkin and Proxmire teaming up and these two kind of zany, you know, kind of Cassandra figures had -- had succeeded in bringing enough people around, but it actually was -- and it's very important -- the reason that the ratification came about was for very, very political reasons.
Tips for Using zany in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with zany if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before zany in sentences. For example: "the zany" or "a zany"
- the
- a
- and
- of
- his
- this
- with
- their
- as
- some
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after zany in sentences. For example: "zany ." or "zany and"
- .
- and
- antics
- comedy
- characters
- humor
- sense
- brainy
- alphabets
- ideas
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- brainy
- antics
- slapstick
- fao
- outrageous
- absurd
- humour
- silly
- humor
- laugh
Alternate Definitions
- zany (noun) - a comic performer, originating on the italian stage, whose function it is to make awkward attempts at mimicking the tricks of the professional clown, or the acts of other performers; hence, an apish buffoon in general; a merry-andrew; an amusing fool
- zany (noun) - . an attendant
- zany (transitive verb) - to mimic
- zany (noun) - a merry-andrew; a buffoon