Definition of Zealous
zealous (adjective) - filled with, or characterized by, zeal; warmly engaged, or ardent, in behalf of an object
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How can zealous be used in a sentence?
-- Why Jehovah in the Word is called zealous, 366.
nullI ... was forward -- or "zealous" (Ac 24: 17; Ro 15: 25; 1Co 16: 1; 2Co
nullReport shows Obama has been just as zealous as his predecessor at thwarting the EPA.
nullYou will get the native energy of the word "zealous" if you recall its kinsman "jealous."
nullPhilip II's zealous general, the Duke of Alva, did not arrive in the Low Countries until 1567.
null"zealous" and "earnest," and a light that was almost the light of fanaticism shone in his eyes.
nullThat's the result of the over-zealous right looking for ANYTHING to criticize about the president.
nullThe legal profession has taken the notion of zealous representation to mean whatever the client wants.
nullHe describes the character as having "a kind of zealous immaturity - like a drug addict with a to-do list."
null"Assume, " said he, 'standing, partly crouching, the position of a free woman, zealous to conceal her beauty.
nullHe revealed to the Washington Post in 1951 that zealous customs officials confiscated a shrunken head he'd purchased.
nullThe "zealous" soul confronts it, not with faint and timid aspiration, but possessed by a blazing and driving ambition!
nullRandolph described Gellar's character as having 'a kind of zealous immaturity - like a drug addict with a to-do list. '"
nullThough that seemed to appeal to my neighbor, we both realized that the law would not tolerate that kind of zealous action.
nullHe was known as a zealous puritan, and had given his sister in marriage to the celebrated Edmund Cartwright the leader of the sect.
nullIn his latest campaign ad, he takes aim at President Obama -- in the most zealous way imaginable -- for ending "don't ask, don't tell."
nullThe Truth Will Out at Last, "their latest posts in a running controversy with what might be termed a zealous Book of Mormon entrepreneur.
nullThe largest exercise in soul-searching, however, and the one that forms the novel's core, is undertaken by the zealous cleric Brother Juniper.
nullThis city's zoning codes regulating the size, use and location of buildings could sap the life force out of all but the most zealous urban enthusiasts.
nullBarack Obama has been just as zealous as George Bush in stripping away environmental, health and safety protection at the behest of industry, it turns out.
nullIn addition to his witness to the faith under persecution which encouraged the young to persevere, Fr Jia was known as a zealous and devout pastoral priest.
nullNaked slaves again scurried about, hurrying in their perfume and steel collars, bringing wine, delicacies and assorted exquisite viands, zealous to please masters.
nullBut when their crossover appeal and multi-million careers can or comes to an abrupt halt, their mea culpas appear disingenuous, and their zealous LGBTQ advocacy appears suspect.
nullI respectfully suggest that "cult like behavior" is defined as zealous advocacy that leads to magical thinking and imperviousness to fact, you simply cannot beat a Hillary true-believer.
nullOther people were so consumed with fear that the finger would turn toward them that the speakers at the workers 'group meetings were assured of having a large number of zealous supporters.
nullThe cross-pollination of blues, gospel and rock inspired Mr. Randolph's band and some well-chosen guests, and the rousing result is in kinship with the kind of zealous music he made in church.
nullYet in this work he can find no words sufficiently strong to praise what he calls the zealous freedom and Christian earnestness of one of the most offensive canters that the whole range of fiction presents.
nullI think this is a pretty common thing, that attorneys do as part of carrying out their responsibilities to provide clients with a "zealous" defense, even though they realize it has almost no chance of success.
nullIn the same Tuesday time period, as Boyd's overly ambitious sidekick Devil on FX's riveting Justified, he's sent to Hell for trying to turn Cousin Johnny against Boyd spurred to action by a zealous Mr. Quarles.
nullThe former defense attorney is urging the Texas Legislature to combat a "convict at all costs" mentality by enacting a precise protocol to curb the kind of zealous identification shortcuts taken against Mr. Dupree.
nullThe cloak was necessary cover here within the walls, to hide Geoffrey's blazon, for no one but Cadfael yet knew that Philip had set his prisoner free, and some zealous man-at-arms might strike first and question afterwards.
nullYet here they were, a wackily zealous coach in Dale Brown, a pear-shaped star named John "Hot Plate" Williams and a cast of strong role players like Anthony Wilson from tiny Plain Dealing, La., who'd hit the shot to beat Memphis.
nullThe fraternal bond that unites them despite differences of proclivity and style is a relentless empiricism: Nothing is as strange as the facts of the matter, if they are confronted just as they are-a kind of zealous open-mindedness.
null"I don't know many lawyers in the bankruptcy practice who take the idea of zealous representation of their client as seriously as he does," says Richard Chesley, a Chicago bankruptcy lawyer who has worked with Mr. Lauria on a couple of cases.
nullWhen he came nearest to the scientific spirit of his time, in zealous observations of the life of nature, he characteristically concentrated on the sequence of various bird notes at daybreak and the flight of moths as the stars of twilight were kindled.
nullThen again "Yes", because we only need look back thirty years (to before the Iranian revolution) to realise that the kind of zealous Fascistic manifestations of Islam that we see all about us today are certainly not necessarily what being nominally "Muslim" necessarily entails.
nullAnd my insistence on holding Steve to highlevels of care in his work and words derives from teh importance of one of thsoe two answer, not from some kind of zealous adherence to a preconcieved point of view that you so readily attribute to anyone who brings a criticism to bear here.
nullBut perhaps, in the same way that the defendant's attorney has to be "zealous" in pursuing issues he knows are unlikely to benefit his client, perhaps law enforcement should at least start calling ICE every time it comes up - though that is going to increase costs and staffing requirements.
nullFrank Goldman and Maurice Bisgyer, the two heads of B'nai B'rith who conspired with J.cobson to get Truman's support for the Zionist project, were both "zealous" Zionists, according to A.J. Granoff, a B'nai B'rith member involved in the secret meetings held off-the-record in the Oval Office.
nullGellar is the middle child, previously described by Randolph as having "a kind of zealous immaturity -- like a drug addict with a to-do list"; Corddry is the baby, now a bookish grad student; Parker is the eldest Malady, now a therapist. she knows a good TV show when she sees it (and belongs on it).
nullIt was, therefore, my determination to see to the law's zealous execution in my district, though I felt certain that the President would endeavor to embarrass me by every means in his power, not only on account of his pronounced personal hostility, but also because of his determination not to execute but to obstruct the measures enacted by Congress.
nullTo attain this end in the presence of an ever-watchful foe who had just recently been reinforced in considerable numbers from Richmond and further south -- almost enough to make up the losses he had sustained in the Wilderness and at Spottsylvania -- required the most vigorous and zealous work on the part of those to whom had been allotted the task of carrying out the initial manoeuvres.
Tips for Using zealous in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with zealous if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before zealous in sentences. For example: "a zealous" or "the zealous"
- a
- the
- and
- most
- more
- his
- of
- so
- very
- were
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after zealous in sentences. For example: "zealous in" or "zealous and"
- in
- and
- for
- to
- of
- .
- advocate
- friend
- efforts
- than
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- puritan
- goliath
- reformer
- moderation
- orthodoxy
- protestantism
- preacher
- devotion
- royalist
- supporter
Alternate Definitions
- zealous (adjective) - filled with religious zeal