Definition of Zen
zen (noun) - school of Mahayana Buddhism asserting that enlightenment can come through meditation and intuition rather than faith; China and Japan
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How can zen be used in a sentence?
I first read that story in a wonderful book called Zen Shorts.
nullIt was what I called his Zen rope-a-dope strategy and it worked.
nullKoblin created his own healing technique called Zen-Touch shiatsu.
nullKING: Calvin Klein has been called the Zen master of shock advertising.
nullI had the occasion to try one of their best seller called Zen Mesh Slider.
nullWhile "Zen" originates from Buddhist practice, it has transformed into a cultural phenomenon.
nullBut Bone has a kind of Zen approach, where he just kind of creates space for this thing to occur.
nullThe word Zen is a shortened form of the term Zenna, which is a transliteration into Chinese of the
nullWeb Zen is created and curated by Frank Davis, and re-posted here on Boing Boing with his kind permission.
nullIn Ms. Page's sits a large stone tub that looks out on a fenced in Zen garden with stones, large rocks and grasses.
nullIn fact, the word "Zen" has become almost meaningless, reducing the ancient practice to a mere advertising modifier.
nullWritten by a Chinese artist known as Zen, DevaShard is inspired by an Indian mythological text called the Mahabharata.
nullThis reminds lay practitioners that Zen is not only about monastic training, but can also be practiced in everyday life.
nullAgain we set a scene "down by the water" .... the "cold mountain water" ... (with an implied 'Zen'-bent regarding Gary Snyder?).
nullToday in Japanese Zen, men and women continue to give the whole of their lives to pursue awakening for the benefit of all beings.
nullWhat luck then, that we came upon a little book called The Zen of Zombie: Better Living Through the Undead, from Skyhorse Publishing.
nullMost important is Regina's approach: she's known as the Zen Organizer, and her books are all about getting organized with a Zen approach.
nullAnother mystic tradition, Zen Buddhism, also shed some light on this as the term "Zen" transliterates into "as it is." www.
nullSteve McClelland When renovating and expanding its emergency department, Eisenhower Medical Center added an entry stone and rock "Zen" sculpture garden.
nullIn fact, I feel overflowing with unguarded gratitude, a kind of Zen-like affirmation that arrives unexpectedly and undeservedly, call it grace if you wish.
nullIn the main base mode - called Zen - it's not just your job to match shapes in lines of three, but rather to arrange the whole board so that everything lines up.
nullTo understand the presentation of Zen in the West, it's essential to understand the leadership within Japanese Zen and the way it has marked Western institutions.
nullWhile Garrido, called the Zen Master by his players, wouldn't divulge his entire postgame message to his team, Mainieri displayed his own version of Yoda-like charm.
nullAn under-wraps player may appear in about two months that could include Wi-Fi -- the name Zen X-Fi could be revealing or not, as X-Fi is an audio-processing technology.
nullThey also often seem to adhere to what I call the Zen Teflon approach to spinnable events: "if you act as if you are teflon and believe you are teflon, you will * be* teflon."
null"Zen" - a new biopic about Master Dogen, the founder of Japanese Zen Buddhism in the 13th Century - screens at 6 p.m. in the University of Memphis Psychology Auditorium at 3710
nullKING: Your husband gave you a shout out near the end of last night's debate in response to moderator Tom Brokaw described as a Zen - like Internet question from a woman in New Hampshire.
nullKING: Your husband gave you a shout out near the end of last night's debate in response to what moderator Tom Brokaw described as Zen-like Internet question from a woman in New Hampshire.
nullWhile masons run into the danger of dropping a rock on a toe or putting their backs out, they also have the stillness and slower pace that comes with what he calls a Zen trade, Reinhart said.
nullL. KING: Your husband gave you a shout-out near the end of last night's debate in response to what moderator Tom Brokaw described as a Zen-like Internet question from a woman in New Hampshire.
nullIt is the Most Rev. Frank Tracy Griswold III's custom to begin his day at 5 a.m. with prayer and yoga, a heels-over-head ritual that symbolizes what some call his Zen-Benedictine approach to faith.
nullAnd so Angel had had a horrible experience and has shut himself off from the world of haute cuisine, and makes just one dish over and over and over again, searching for a kind of Zen-like perfection.
nullWhile I can't claim that I am the most "Zen" person you'll ever meet, I am working towards making changes that help me take steps towards creating a life that includes my inner Zen as a significant component.
nullFor the study where Zen meditation impacted gray matter, see: G. Pagoni and M. Cekic, 'Age Effects on Gray Matter Volume and Attentional Performance in Zen Meditation', Neurobiology of Aging, 2007, 28 (10), 1623-1627.
nullKorean BBQ restaurant called Zen BBQ at Bangsar, which was suggested by a friend. future for their family, Hanan Awadalla and her husband, Maged Abdelmalik, immigrated to the whatever one eats, has an effect on their behavior.
nullAs was said by Furball Zen, that is, indeed, a variant of XP Antivirus (it goes by about 9 different names) or Personal Antivirus, which is entirely a fake program that puts trojans on the machine, but it is always a good idea to be safe.
nullI have observed it in Mr. Switters, and I suspect it could be extricated from Today Is Tomorrow's philosophy-a philosophy, by the way, that seems almost to have resulted from combining aspects of an archaic shamanic tradition with a kind of Zen nonattachment and an irreverent modern wit.
nullLine of Force (1973) Baldessari reduces the signified and signifier to a single, repeated indicative gesture (snapshots of a finger pointing offscreen) seething with exasperation at our species 'seeming inability to just look but recalling the Zen admonition to recognize conceptual formulations as
nullHis bank-robber character, Henry Manning, had faked a stroke to get out of prison, and when Linda Fiorentino's canny nurse sees through his scam, Henry tells her, in a spellbinding soliloquy, about going into a kind of Zen state in the prison hospital and turning himself into nothing but a beating heart.
Tips for Using zen in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with zen if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before zen in sentences. For example: "of zen" or "the zen"
- of
- the
- a
- in
- and
- to
- that
- japanese
- on
- soto
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after zen in sentences. For example: "zen buddhism" or "zen ."
- buddhism
- .
- and
- master
- is
- masters
- buddhist
- in
- center
- meditation
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- roshi
- zendo
- koan
- shiatsu
- buddhism
- dharma
- sangha
- peacemaker
- pinball
- meditation
Alternate Definitions
- zen (noun) - a Buddhist doctrine that enlightenment can be attained through direct intuitive insight