Definition of Zeppelin
zeppelin (noun) - German inventor who designed and built the first rigid motorized dirigible (1838-1917)
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How can zeppelin be used in a sentence?
I love this zeppelin universe, I just ... love it!
nullIt also killed the trans-Atlantic zeppelin business.
nullPain floated through her mind like a blazing zeppelin.
nullThanks for showing us that Tim is just a zeppelin here at TP.
nullBut the zeppelin was a living thing -- a horrible travesty of life.
nullI know, I know, but the word zeppelin has more umpf to it than does blimp.
nullThen I'm back to the original "zeppelin" search again and my search key is gone ..
nullI managed to stick in both the zeppelin and an ocean liner out of sheer enthusiasm.
nullSerrata hitchhiked to the coast looking for a westbound zeppelin, this was such fun!
nullBut the Macon crashed into the Pacific Ocean in 1935, leaving Hangar One zeppelin-free.
nullAnd now the zeppelin is making its way up the mountain to the dwarven hold of Steelhome.
nullI was going to kitbash the zeppelin, but they may have suckered me into buying this [...]
nullChains fell down around her on all sides, giving the elephant the look of a grounded zeppelin.
nullThe zeppelin -- this was from a brochure about the zeppelin based, obviously, on the Hindenburg.
nullShe then shimmied back up the bungee cord into the cabin of the zeppelin to put on her parachute.
nullHOLMES: And that California company is planning to offer tours of the San Francisco Bay in the zeppelin.
nullSo the designers of White Wing propose a zeppelin containing the commander- in-chief and his entire staff.
nullPreservationists and other backers of Hangar One have floated plenty of ideas for the former zeppelin shed.
nullYou have to listen to the folk singers in Warsaw Old Town Square and taste the cepelinai (zeppelin dumplings) in Vilnius.
nullAnd I know you're getting a big sound like John Bonham did for Led zeppelin for when they were recording at Headley Grange.
nullWould that you were more than a corporate distraction, being thrown out the hatch to keep their fast-leaking zeppelin in the air.
nullAs a boy, I remember the zeppelins flying over Scarborough, and I'd shout out to my mom, "schauen Sie Mamma, es ist ein zeppelin!"
nullAn adventurous woman, she flew the London-Paris leg of the journey in an airplane or zeppelin (family versions differ) in the 1920s.
nullIt's no good marrying some gorgeous girl if her mother's the size of a zeppelin because genetics dictate that she's going that way eventually.
nullIn fact, it's a newly-built zeppelin, a remake of the 246-foot blimp-like vessel that used to carry passengers and drop bombs up until the 1930s.
nullFor a full and interesting archive, look before it sells too at the "zeppelin" sidelight -- fascinating group of pictures there, with documentation.
nullThe omen was created by Jim Miekka, a 50-year old newsletter writer form Surry, Maine, who named it after the infamous German zeppelin disaster of 1937.
nullHe was quite amused by our spending thousands on a giant inflatable penguin, zeppelin-size, which was supposed to float over the band at these big outdoor events.
nullAcross the country, millions of people are taking stock of their personal budgets as an economic zeppelin of woe casts its shadow over all we once took for granted.
nullTill recently this plutocratic domain was borne aloft, like the gondola of a zeppelin, by the relentless inflating of the middle class with the hot air of consumerism.
nullPlease, do something - A.J., do something right now that makes me the Beatles, so I can ` t go out in public without security guards and a zeppelin flying over my head.
nullThose patriotic festivals on the zeppelin field valued discipline and obedience, not this cosy urban chaos; in Risinghill Street, a full belly matters more than loyal oaths.
nullMuntz's dogs, flying biplanes armed with machine guns, evoke the aerial killers in "King Kong," while his zeppelin seems a homage to the visionary animation of Hayao Miyazaki.
nullTimes got tough after our economic zeppelin crashed into that iceberg last fall, but when you combined the economy with February's customary malaise, it became dark times indeed.
nullThe game's plot doesn't prove powerful or riveting: It's just there to give Devlin the motivation to go from set piece to massive set piece, an excuse to do things like hijack a zeppelin or climb the Eiffel Tower.
nullCourtesy U.S. Navy 1937: The German passenger zeppelin Hindenburg explodes and crashes while landing at Lakehurst, New Jersey, killing 36 people and dooming the future of commercial trans-Atlantic zeppelin service.
nullHer two transatlantic exploits in zeppelin (and dirigible) flight earned her a scholarship to the Zeppelin Piloting Academy (offices in Toronto, Lakehurst, and Brisbane), where upon finally mastering pitch control she graduated third in a class of fifty-eight.
nullThis weekend, having promised America more campaign ads as bizarre and mind-numbing as their previous "Demon Sheep" effort, the Fiorina campaign put out a new seven-minute opus about Barbara Boxer turning into a huge zeppelin, which floated menacingly over America.
null| Reply | Permalink in fact, reporters at the family values conference (where giuliani scored 2% and huckabee like 27% or so) sensed no momentum at all behind the thrid party move, it was a trial balloon that went down "like a led zeppelin" I beleive one reported said
nullIf my reckoning of time is still accurate, the day on which I begin to write this journal marks the one-year anniversary of my incarceration aboard the good ship Chrysalis, a high-altitude zeppelin designed by that most prodigious and talented of twentieth-century inventors, Prospero Taligent.
Tips for Using zeppelin in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with zeppelin if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before zeppelin in sentences. For example: "led zeppelin" or "the zeppelin"
- led
- the
- a
- graf
- count
- von
- of
- german
- first
- and
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after zeppelin in sentences. For example: "zeppelin ." or "zeppelin and"
- .
- and
- was
- raids
- raid
- in
- had
- company
- airship
- airships
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- airship
- hindenburg
- aerosmith
- sabbath
- graf
- hendrix
- stairway
- lizzy
- bootleg
- metallica
Alternate Definitions
- zeppelin (noun) - a large rigid dirigible designed to carry passengers or bombs
- zeppelin (noun) - a dirigible balloon of the rigid type, consisting of a cylindrical trussed and covered frame supported by internal gas cells, and provided with means of propulsion and control. it was first successfully used by ferdinand count von zeppelin