Definition of Zigzag
zigzag (noun) - an angular shape characterized by sharp turns in alternating directions
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How can zigzag be used in a sentence?
What about the new "zigzag" tactics of the Carter administration?
nullShooting at them on the zigzag is iffy at best, but hard to resist.
nullThe species also has yellow zigzag marks along each side of its head.
nullWhy not mix it up, play with the patterns, throw in the occasional zigzag?
nullA man rounds the corner, zigzag shadow reaching for the woman who steps out of it.
nullHugh told me afterwards that he seemed to trace a kind of zigzag on my left temple.
nullThis refers to the zigzag bolt on his forehead, where his Voldemort-marked story began.
null_Chevron_ -- an inflected moulding, also called zigzag, characteristic of Norman architecture.
nullA zigzag of animal tracks, probably deer, break up the otherwise untouched smooth blanket of snow.
nullThe resulting kilns, known as the zigzag kilns, have a faster firing schedule than the Hoffmann kiln.
nullThe pilots would have had to "zigzag" to avoid the storms, adding more extra miles to their trip, Cook said.
nullJust along the outside edge of his little leg ran a zigzag line of whitish tissue, maybe four inches in length.
nullI ran in crazy zigzag lines with one hand held over my head, as if that would lessen my chances of being struck.
nullJoe spaces them 18 inches apart in a zigzag pattern, and he has six plants in one of his 12-foot-long raised beds.
nullAlas, if a dieter wonders - 'how I can raise my metabolism', then he or she can "zigzag" his or her caloric intake.
nullThe charr had closed off the eastern and western roads, and their sappers had dug zigzag trenches approaching the walls.
nullAmericans and Canadians are probably the only people in the world who use this style, sometimes known as "the zigzag method."
nullWith a zigzag dash you shake them off and leap straight Into the citadel of the New Books Whose Author Or Subject Appeals To You.
nullSince we're on the subject, and forgive me if this has been answered before, why is it that the bridge has a "zigzag" shape to it?
nullThe rough "slash fences" made of brushwood and fallen trees, gave place to the no less ugly, but more substantial "zigzag" of cedar rails.
nullThe university wants to replace its gymnasium with an 800,000-square-foot mixed-use building dubbed the "Zipper Building" because of its zigzag shape.
nullThe trench, like all the others, was excavated in short, zigzag lengths, so that no point, either to right or left, commanded more than a score of yards of it.
nullWhile all of the sewing machines in our tests (Ratings available to subscriber) did a good straight stitch and zigzag, not all could handle all kinds of fabrics.
nullThis section is termed the zigzag tubule; it ends in a convoluted tube, which resembles the proximal convoluted tubule, and is called the distal convoluted tubule.
nullMore than 50 models paraded under the arches of the courtyard, wearing multicolored knit sandals with fun rounded heels and a square-brimmed sombrero with the zigzag print.
nullTrue, however, a handgun is notoriously inaccurate on anything more than 15-feet away and less on a moving target [running in a zigzag is a method that has proven effective].
nullFor Z, there's "zigzag," about the switchback trails, and "zillions" because "there are countless and zillions of reasons to visit" Glacier National Park, which sounds exactly right.
null* The fence here mentioned is the "zigzag" or Virginian fence, found sometimes in southern New England, and frequently in the Middle West, where it is known as the "snake fence" or "log fence."
nullI made a denim skirt a year ago that had colorful stitching down the front of it and instead of adding trim, I used a nice green thread and did a zigzag stitch on the hem and let the denim fray.
nullWhere life and death are at issue the zigzag history of therapies occurred simply because the biological mechanisms that trigger normal cells into cancerous ones were and now are still being figured out.
nullOr perhaps we might liken him to that ingenious piece of firework called a zigzag cracker, which explodes with unexpected and repeated suddenness, changing its position in a most perplexing manner at every crack.
nullOr perhaps we might liken him to that ingenious piece of fire-work called a zigzag cracker, which explodes with unexpected and repeated suddenness, changing its position in a most perplexing manner at every crack.
nullFor any readers who haven't been following this moving target's every last zigzag (who's in, who's out, who's back in, who's cutting a deal on the side, who's rejecting it, who's back in again), this should bring you up to speed.
nullIt was as much climbing as marching, and, as Bill Gedge said, "all agin the collar;" but the men did not seem to mind, as they mounted higher and higher in the expectation of finding that the next turn of the zigzag was the top of the pass.
nullThey found a specific arrangement of atoms along the edge of the hole called the zigzag configuration to be the most stable arrangement, and calculated that this fact is promising for eventually using nanoscale spintronics in the computer industry.
nullThis was effected by cutting a "zigzag" in the rock; the trains run first to the left, rising upon a slight incline; then, reversing, they go to the right, still mounting slightly upwards; then, again, to the left; and so on till the summit is reached.
nullWhen Neil Young did a stylistic zigzag in the early 1980s, releasing albums of inscrutable hard rock, robotic synthesizer drone and throwback rockabilly, he may have lost some fair-weather fans with such albums as "Re-ac-tor," "Trans" and "Everybody's Rockin'."
nullGiven the past few months, if the Redskins tell Albert Haynesworth to hand-wash Colt Brennan's athletic supporter and hang it out to dry in the 400 section of FedEx Field on game day -- using the zigzag ramps, not the elevators -- he should feel honored and reach for the Woolite.
nullIt was all plain sailing here, and a great relief after groping through the dim woodland; we encountered no obstacle but an occasional "zigzag," easily demolished, till we came to a deep hollow, where the guide dismounted -- evidently rather vague as to his bearings -- and proceeded to feel his way.
nullIn Sumatra and Java, as in Ireland, the door is elevated, the building divided into stories; the walls are constructed of many sided hewn stones, the upper story is lighted by four windows looking to the cardinal points, the cornice has the same kind of zigzag ornamentation, and the roof is constructed in the same manner, of overlapping stones.
Tips for Using zigzag in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with zigzag if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before zigzag in sentences. For example: "a zigzag" or "the zigzag"
- a
- the
- and
- of
- in
- or
- with
- to
- by
- its
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after zigzag in sentences. For example: "zigzag course" or "zigzag lines"
- course
- lines
- line
- pattern
- path
- .
- and
- stitch
- of
- fashion
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- wrasse
- scallops
- stitch
- zig
- tack
- moderne
- salamander
- stripe
- transformer
- sutures
Alternate Definitions
- zigzag (verb) - travel along a zigzag path
- zigzag (adjective) - having short sharp turns or angles
- zigzag (adverb) - in a zigzag course or on a zigzag path
- zigzag (noun) - a sharp turning back and forth or in and out; an irregular, abrupt angulation; one of a series of sharp turns in a linear or curvilinear course: nearly always in the plural
- zigzag (noun) - a formation with a succession of sharp turnings or angles; something that has a number of abrupt angulations, like those of chain-lightning
- zigzag (noun) - specifically
- zigzag (noun) - a winding path with sharp turns, as up the side of a steep mountain
- zigzag (noun) - in <em>fortification</em>, a trench of approach against a fortress, so constructed that the line of trench may not be enfiladed by the defenders: same as <internalxref urlencoded="boyau">boyau</internalxref>
- zigzag (noun) - in <em>architecture</em>, same as <internalxref urlencoded="chevron">chevron</internalxref>, 2
- zigzag (noun) - in the <em>fisheries</em>, a salmon-stair or fish way
- zigzag (noun) - in <em>entomology</em>, a british moth, <em>bombyx dispar.</em>
- zigzag (transitive verb) - to form with short turns
- zigzag (noun) - something that has short turns or angles
- zigzag (noun) - see <er>boyau</er>
- zigzag (adjective) - having short, sharp turns; running this way and that in an onward course