Definition of Zombie
zombie (noun) - several kinds of rum with fruit juice and usually apricot liqueur
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How can zombie be used in a sentence?
Being a zombie is even better than being an insect.
nullThis seems like a natural progression in zombie tales.
nullThey say he used so-called zombie computers to send them.
nullThe man who invented the modern zombie is officially senile.
nullThey also say he used so-called zombie computer to send them.
nullThey say that he used so-called zombie computers to send them.
nullSince then the phrase zombie has introduced a whole series of quotes.
nullDecember 18th, 2009 at 12: 41 pm catherine frosty as zombie is hilarious!
nullExperience the indispensable series that defines the very best in zombie literature.
nullFor the record, being a cosmic zombie is something I would wish for all my loved ones.
nullAnother contact at CitiGroup said the bank had become a "zombie" - dead, but still alive.
null"They don't even like to say the word zombie, even though their country is besieged by zombies.
nullReinforcing their Dixie base of lynchers and hate radio zombie is not gonna be good for the GOP.
nullOnce inside, it creates a so-called zombie computer that can be controlled by the worm's designer.
nullAnd a zombie is a non-conscious entity, in the movies, but there are also philosophical zombies that Dave
nullSame section as last time, but now Johnny has lip sync, the zombie is properly rotoscoped, and so is Barbara.
nullDiscovery Channel fans might recall the zombie snails, who are controlled by the parasite that possesses them.
nullStuart Gordon says the term zombie originates from the African Congo word zumbi, which means 'enslaved spirit.'
nullResolution/Standard Life So-called zombie funds are beginning to look like the insurance sector's liveliest act.
nullSo when I use the term zombie I am not referring to a specific bank today, but rather the effect this legislation has.
nullIt had to be some kind of demon, had to be, because the word her brain came up with, the word zombie, was not possible.
nullOf spam is estimated to come from so-called zombie computers -- usually home PCs hijacked without the owners 'knowledge.
nullA zombie is another name for The Walking Dead -- those who are lifeless, apathetic, or totally lacking in independent judgment.
nullROBERTS: Before the break we told you about the shooting spree in Seattle earlier this year, the so-called zombie rave killings.
nullEven worse, the term zombie is used to describe people and institutions that should be capable of decisive action at this critical moment.
nullThe administration's watered-down stress tests will come up, as will its perplexing failure to deal firmly with the so-called zombie banks.
nullROBERTS: Another deadly shooting spree, the so-called zombie rave killings early this year in Seattle, seven people killed including the gunman.
nullOxford Internet Institute decided that what the world really needed was a map of the frequency of the word "zombie" in internet searches around the world.
nullMost recently two Tornado F3 fighters were launched from RAF Leuchars in Fife in the early hours of 10 March to intercept a "zombie" - or unknown aircraft.
nullHe aims to rid Japan of so-called zombie companies (like the massive and terminally ill retail giant Daiei) that have long been living on loans they can't repay.
nullWatching Angelina sunbathe, dine, dance, and eventually get "intimate" with a zombie is far more entertaining than watching her do the same with guys from Miami Beach.
nullBank lending declines by 2 percent each year, with most new credit going to so-called zombie companies -- construction and retail failures kept alive with zero-interest loans.
nullI'm beginning to think that the definition of "zombie" is quickly changing (again), and soon no one will remember that a very necessary part of being a zombie is being, you know, dead.
nullEven though I'm not the biggest fan of journal entry style fiction, I'm more than willing to make an exception for this title that seems to be one of the preeminent titles in zombie fiction.
nullEven Citigroup and Merrill Lynch, which have been called zombie banks, paid $5.33 billion and $3.6 billion in bonuses, respectively -- although they lost more than $27 billion each in earnings.
nullThe term zombie company is a throwback to the 1990s when the Japan's asset bubble burst and large corporations avoided bankruptcy by being kept alive with loans from banks that also held their stock.
nullCurrently tagged for a 2010 release date, we could be looking at the first decent American response to "Shawn of the Dead," which currently sits virtually unchallenged atop the all-too-thin zombie comedy genre.
nullThen you can rent a botnet for 24 hours to launch distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, sell fake antivirus software and relay spam to unsuspecting email users via millions of compromised -- aka zombie -- PCs
nullThen you can rent a botnet for 24 hours to launch distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, sell fake antivirus software and relay spam to unsuspecting email users via millions of compromised -- aka zombie -- PCs.
nullI know that there technically is only one cure for being a zombie, which is decapitation, but I think a spiritual decapitation and a replacement with a real, thinking, breathing, praying head will cure the zombie as well.
nullAnd I know you can't comment specifically on any deals but maybe you could just talk about what you're seeing up in your marker right now, on sort of whether there is an increase in sort of what I call zombie banks versus FDIC deals.
nullFor sure, being a zombie is a serious lifestyle decision, but it doesn't mean you still can't be a Anyway, I dropped into 2F in Sanlitun, a bar that has developed a loyal following and a neighborhood vibe over the past year, and talked to co-owner and manager
nullConsumers with so-called zombie debt -- old loans they may have paid off years ago that can resurface when an aggressive debt collector erroneously demands payment -- are also likely to get some relief, if those debts also were discharged under Chapter 7 protection.
nullAnd speaking of "screw 'em", the fiscal and monetary insanities of Obama and Bernanke means that you, me and everyone you know are one of "'em", and the only hope you have is to buy gold and silver like some crazed zombie, which is the only thing that really worked in the last
nullSecond, the lion's share of spam emanates from compromised -- aka zombie -- PCs controlled by massive, distributed botnets such as Zeus, which can be created and managed using automated botnet toolkits, which lowers the barrier to entry for criminals without advanced coding skills.
nullAnecdotally, we hear that while regulators are being accommodating to banks on existing problems credits, they are being very restrictive on the extension of new credit, resulting in enough "zombie" - ness to prevent them thus far from playing the robust role needed in the recovery.
nullI told the skipper that if he wanted to blow up the Dolphin, as good a way as any was to let those torpedomen keep on working -- they were starting to stagger around like zombies, and a zombie is the last person you want to have working on the highly complicated innards of a torpedo.
nullThere were actually parts of this - tender quotes here and there, coupled with the apolitical bleakness of the surroundings - that might have converted me if I were, say, a teenager listening to Flyleaf trying to reconcile my interest in zombie apocalypses with my religious upbringing.
Tips for Using zombie in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with zombie if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before zombie in sentences. For example: "a zombie" or "the zombie"
- a
- the
- white
- of
- and
- walking
- his
- in
- or
- this
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after zombie in sentences. For example: "zombie ." or "zombie and"
- .
- and
- is
- in
- was
- to
- or
- state
- master
- who
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- zombi
- zombies
- apocalypse
- undead
- hordes
- horde
- bitten
- horror
- corpses
- bites
Alternate Definitions