Definition of Zone
zone (noun) - a locally circumscribed place characterized by some distinctive features
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How can zone be used in a sentence?
The primary mineralized zone is coded as the 110 zone.
nullSimone's game, when you're in zone, is at the foul line area.
nullI live in michgan and my zone is a shotgun only zone so i was wondering
nullOr being confused in zone coverage and not being where you are supposed to be.
nullEssentially, it is what some call zone 3 and they do it for up to six hours a day.
nullIn the mid-term zone, the five-year yield was also down 0.5 basis points at 0. 515%.
nullI live in michgan and my zone is a shotgun only zone so i was wondering | Field & Stream
nullI live in michgan and my zone is a shotgun only zone so i was wondering why they do this.
nullThe call zone is the drug pusher's cell list and the San Francisco Bay area registered liberals.
null"Having someone who can make that first pass out of the zone is a huge help," Penguins coach Ed Olczyk says.
nullHe says that danger zone translates to human babies from about 20 weeks in the womb to six weeks after birth.
nullThis zone is the band of national territory within a width of 100 km. along the borders, and 50 km. along the shoreline.
nullBy the late 1990s, Japan was well into what they identify as the zone of danger, when the debt to GDP ratio reaches 90 percent.
nullSome of the passes, Warner was threading right between 3 guys in zone coverage, each one about half a second too late to close in.
null` ` People want to know what the 'zone' is like, and if I could have a tape and show people, this is what it's like, '' Allen said.
nullHis zone became a method to disguise the Sun Devils 'flaws, and he said recently that he never dreamed he'd become known as a zone guru.
nullNorwegian tango weirdly set to the hard-driving '60s rock standard "Somebody to Love," which is in a whole other speed zone from the tango.
nullAnd they are very firm in wanting to draw what they call a zone of privacy around them for normal everyday things that young girls would do.
null"The difference between Ciphire Mail and other technologies in our zone is the difference between using and learning how to use," Brown said.
null"He's making a mistake and entering into a comfort zone, which is very good for us," said Mlungisi Hlongwane, COPE's election campaign manager.
nullAnd last night, we went out with a scout platoon from the 3rd ID, patrolling what they call zone 14, one of the more dangerous areas of downtown Baghdad.
nullAnd the reasoning there was that, while he was an unlawful combatant, he was not taken into custody in what they called a zone of combat or a battlefield.
nullTepic is within the 50 km restricted zone from the shoreline to inland so the book, although pushing coastal properties, would be applicable for foreigners.
nullWhen biz in AZ (we call the zone GESTAPO) hires hella illegals, even go down and pick them up, Not that that they pay them a whole let less, cause they don't pay
nullLefties swing at even more pitches outside the called zone, take more pitches inside the zone and make less and poorer contact against LHPs than RHBs do against RHPs.
null"If most issuance centers on the short - to medium-term zone, this should limit upward pressure on interest rates given anchor support from the BOJ's low policy rate."
nullWorse, its suggestion that all it takes for the Middle East to be a nuclear-weapon-free zone is for the likes of Egypt, Jordan, and Syria to hold their heavy water makes him sound delusional.
nullPeru, Russia, South Africa and the United States have reserved the right to future claims on Antarctic territory and Brazil has designated what it refers to as a zone of interest in the region.
nullThe most significant innovation Lebeau brought to the NFL was something he called the zone blitz, and it has been a staple of the Pittsburgh defence since he introduced it to the Steelers 15 years ago.
nullProducing a map of the Eastern Hemisphere he pointed out to me what he called the zone of disturbance, and assured me that within the next ten years the eyes of the world would be riveted upon that zone.
nullInterestingly enough copper after dipping into the 125 ranges was able to rally above 144 with remarkable ease, indicating that this long term zone of support is probably going to hold on a monthly basis.
nullIn voting to recommend C-5 become the designation zone for RV parks, commission members made it a little easier for Huddleston's property to be rezoned to C-5, which is primarily for recreation and amusement.
nullThe EU and IMF have also agreed on a package worth almost $US1 trillion ($A1. 12 trillion) to prevent any contagion in the euro zone from the Greek crisis and allow its members to restore their public finances to health.
nullHe proposed dividing it into several zones corresponding to regions of the world: a Latin American zone, African zone, Asian zone, Southeast Asia zone -- which I believe is where we are now -- and, in sum, what are others?
nullIn this connection, attention is invited to Fig. 47, which shows how in the case of a fire delivered from a height at a target on a horizontal plane beneath, the beaten zone is shortened and consequently the fire effect decreased.
nullCOLOMBO, Jan 16 (Reuters) -- Increasing numbers of refugees are fleeing Sri Lanka's war zone, which is rapidly shrinking as the military bears down on the Tamil Tiger rebels 'last remaining territory, the military and the Red Cross said on Friday.
nullI am trying to run a formcheck error which looks for the user specified zone ($zone) in a table ($zones_table) to see if a row exists and my code is as follows: if (! defined ( 'FRMCHK_USER')) {die ( "Access Denied");} $inner = substr ($zone, -3, 3);
nullIsrael's defense minister, Ehud Barak, coined the phrase "zone of immunity" to define the circumstances under which Israel would judge it could no longer hold off from an attack because Iran's effort to produce a bomb would be invulnerable to any strike.
null* More than 1,500 people flee war zone* Red Cross says conditions getting worse By Ranga SirilalCOLOMBO, March 17 (Reuters) - Tamil Tiger separatists counterattacked with a failed suicide bombing in clashes that killed at least 14 rebels and more than 1,500 refugees fled Sri Lanka's war zone, the military said on Tuesday.
null"It's true that it won't take three years, probably three quarters before no one can do anything practically about it because the Iranians are gradually, deliberately entering into what I call a zone of immunity, by widening the redundancy of their plan, making it spread over many more sites with many more hidden elements," he said.
nullAccordingly, samples from the Southern Defence Zone (a large geographical region encompassing Corsica and the Mediterranean costal zone from the Spanish border to the Italian border with approximately 8 million inhabitants), were received and analysed in our department, at the Virology Level A laboratory of the Public Hospitals of Marseille.
Tips for Using zone in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with zone if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before zone in sentences. For example: "the zone" or "a zone"
- the
- a
- this
- canal
- coastal
- temperate
- economic
- in
- war
- transition
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after zone in sentences. For example: "zone of" or "zone ."
- of
- .
- is
- and
- in
- to
- between
- was
- for
- with
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- iana
- nepal
- fed
- fault
- americas
- utc
- volcanic
- touchdown
- database
- households
Alternate Definitions
- zone (noun) - any of the regions of the surface of the Earth loosely divided according to latitude or longitude
- zone (noun) - an area or region distinguished from adjacent parts by a distinctive feature or characteristic
- zone (noun) - (anatomy) any encircling or beltlike structure
- zone (verb) - regulate housing in; of certain areas of towns
- zone (noun) - a portion of the surface of a sphere cut off by one plane
- zone (noun) - a belt on the surface of the earth or of the celestial sphere included between two parallels to the equator
- zone (noun) - in <em>phytogeography</em>, a vegetation ring or belt: referring more directly to the plant-content itself or to the areas marked by œcological difference
- zone (noun) - transition climate, in which the variation is greater than 15° c. and less than 20° c
- zone (noun) - land climate, in which the variation is greater than 20° c. and less than 40° c
- zone (noun) - a region of rain which prevails throughout the year
- zone (noun) - a polar region with light snows in winter
- zone (noun) - deserts and semi-deserts with an annual precipitation less than 250 mm. (10 in.)
- zone (noun) - (10) the region of the australian monsoons
- zone (noun) - (11) the region of the asiatic monsoons
- zone (noun) - that their southward distribution is governed by the mean temperature of a brief period covering the hottest part of the year. upon this basis merriam has made the following transcontinental divisions for north america:
- zone (noun) - tropical region (not subdivided latitudinally)
- zone (noun) - a bed or series of beds in any geological formation characterized by certain fossils or groups of fossils: nearly equivalent in meaning to <internalxref urlencoded="life-horizon">life-horizon</internalxref>
- zone (noun) - a girdle or belt worn as an article of dress
- zone (noun) - a belt or band round anything, as a stripe of different color or substance round an object; figuratively, any circumscribing or surrounding line, real or imaginary; a circuitous line, path, or course; an inclosing circle
- zone (noun) - specifically, in <em>geography</em>, one of five arbitrary divisions of the earth's surface, bounded by lines parallel to the equator, each named according to its prevailing temperature; a climatic belt
- zone (noun) - in <em>mathematics</em>, a part of the surface of a sphere included between two parallel planes
- zone (noun) - in <em>crystallography</em>, a series of planes having their lines of intersection parallel
- zone (transitive verb) - to girdle; to encircle
- zone (noun) - a girdle; a cincture
- zone (noun) - one of the five great divisions of the earth, with respect to latitude and temperature
- zone (noun) - the portion of the surface of a sphere included between two parallel planes; the portion of a surface of revolution included between two planes perpendicular to the axis
- zone (noun) - a band or stripe extending around a body
- zone (noun) - a band or area of growth encircling anything
- zone (noun) - a series of planes having mutually parallel intersections
- zone (noun) - circuit; circumference
- zone (noun) - a series of faces whose intersection lines with each other are parallel
- zone (noun) - the aggregate of stations, in whatsoever direction or on whatsoever line of railroad, situated between certain maximum and minimum limits from a point at which a shipment of traffic originates
- zone (noun) - any circular or ring-shaped area within which the street-car companies make no differences of fare