Definition of Malaise
malaise (noun) - physical discomfort (as mild sickness or depression)
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How can malaise be used in a sentence?
Her malaise is presented in very contemporary tones.
nullAdded to the malaise was the break of the 20-day MA in the SOX.
null(I hate that word malaise - but unfortunately it's appropriate).
nullHe doesn't like Carter's "malaise" talk even though he can't argue with its logic.
nullThis malaise is over, action is a verb that I tend to take to heart in the next year.
nullWell I will ALWAYS have long term malaise as I struggle with long-term depression and anxiety.
nullCarter addressed the Nation with what Bob Bennett (R-UT) and others called Carter's "malaise" speech.
null* Carter did not use the word malaise in his politically disastrous televised speech of July 15, 1979.
nullBoth will have symptoms of fatigue, fever, muscle aches, malaise, which is tiredness, chest discomfort.
nullMuch of the malaise is due to the complete lack of any marketing, but you can't blame everything on bad ownership.
nullThe President needs to demonstrate action NOW that focuses on people or else inaction will be the "malaise" speech.
nullThe data suggest to us that the TV habit may offer short-run pleasure at the expense of long-term malaise, 'he said.
nullThe data suggest to us that the TV habit may offer short-run pleasure at the expense of long-term malaise, "he added.
nullThe press dubbed it Carter's "malaise" speech (though he never used the word), and it was an unmitigated political disaster.
nullToday, Loren Feldman of 1938 Media chimes in to say that Arringtons right it kinda sucks and that malaise is the word lately.
nullAnd another thing too - when a malaise is as commonplace as 'street harassment/eve teasing' is, we become somewhat indifferent to it.
nullFurther, the usual second-term malaise could end up making the Obama-Clinton administration unpopular as she goes into the 2016 campaign.
nullThe public reaction was enthusiastic, to the so-called malaise speech, but then immediately after, five members of the cabinet were forced out.
nullIt is reminiscent of the attitudes that led Jimmy Carter to diagnose a "crisis of confidence" in 1979 in what became known as the malaise speech.
nullJimmy Carter's "malaise" speech - one in which the word malaise does not, curiously enough, appear - was delivered 30 years ago, on July 15, 1979.
null"These conflicting data suggest that TV may provide viewers with short-run pleasure, but at the expense of long-term malaise," said Professor Robinson.
nullA pledge for a better tomorrow, a commitment by African leaders to liberate the continent from what they call a malaise of underdevelopment and exclusion.
nullIn 1979, President Carter intellectualized our pain and talked, correctly, about the importance of energy conservation and gave his grand "malaise" speech.
nullIncreasingly, it looks like the stimulus we got so far is not going to be enough to pull us out of the recession or what ever you call the malaise we are in now.
nullAlcohol researcher John Brick says there is some science behind the idea that drinks like Vitaminwater improve hangover symptoms such as malaise, weakness and headache.
nullThe liberal cure for this endless malaise is a very large authoritarian government that regulates and manages society through a cradle to grave agenda of redistributive caretaking.
nullInstitute President Mark Baldassare said voters are not moved by any of the candidates for major office this year, and their malaise is reflected in the high number of undecided voters.
nullAll we need now is President Obamalamadingdong (aka Prez Jimmy the Second) to give (yet another) long-winded speech, this time complaining about "malaise" - and it would be just perfect.
nullOne wonders if the hiring of some of our young people with the best computational skills by the financial industry that contributed so much to our current malaise is something to celebrate.
nullRising rates are a normal part of healthy economic growth and rock-bottom rates are usually a sign of a long-term malaise (like Japan) or bubbles in the making (like the U.S. housing market).
nullYou get these fevers, myalgias, which are muscle aches, headaches, severe malaise, which is just feeling very tired, nonproductive cough, sore throat, and rhinitis, which is the itchiness of the nose.
nullRonald Reagan seized on that malaise message - worth noting that the word "malaise" never appeared in Carter's speech - and cast himself as an optimist who believed the best times were still ahead for the country.
nullIn 1995, the combination of a 6.8 earthquake in Kobe and the Aum Shinrikyo gas attacks on the Tokyo subway helped plunge the country into a long-term malaise, which drew imaginative treatments from writers such as Haruki Marukami.
nullFirst, consumer spending, despite the benefits from millions of $500 stimulus checks and the "cash-for-clunkers" program, remains in a very deep malaise, which is understandable given the current massive unemployment and under-employment.
nullAdding to the malaise is the soaring cost of food - about 9 percent over the last year according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics - as well as a fear that the tourism dollars that have buoyed New York's economy may disappear as the crisis goes global.
nullAnd the heart of his argument: "In the presidential campaign, Reagan told a story about the moral and intellectual failings that had led up to Jimmy Carter's infamous" malaise "-- and while the truth of that story would be rightly debated for years to come, it nonetheless helped him win broad support for his agenda.
nullWhile foreign economists generally believe that the BOJ's failure to immediately and resolutely ease credit was one reason contributing to Japan's structural deflation and long-term malaise, Mr. Mieno still doesn't agree, pointing to the fact that Japan's GDP growth accelerated from 1.5% to 2.3% in 1995, and reached 2.9% in 1996.
null"It is also true that the kind of water shortages which have hit some black townships for weeks on end would never have been tolerated in white suburbia even for more than a day, and we all know that the underlying reason for the malaise is the fact that blacks are still largely second-class citizens in the land of their birth," he wrote in a commentary in July.
nullThis is simply not my Generation Jones -- a generation in which (for Americans, anyway) there was no war from the time I was 14, when the last regular troops came home from Vietnam, until Operation Desert Storm, when I was 32, and when economic woes brought "malaise" but not the Great Depression and then disappeared for a key time for young professionals in the 1980s and 1990s.
Tips for Using malaise in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with malaise if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before malaise in sentences. For example: "the malaise" or "and malaise"
- the
- and
- general
- of
- economic
- social
- a
- this
- spiritual
- with
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after malaise in sentences. For example: "malaise ." or "malaise and"
- .
- and
- of
- in
- that
- is
- which
- was
- or
- are
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- myalgia
- sweats
- aches
- dyspnea
- thrombocytopenia
- headache
- jaundice
- nausea
- anorexia
- chills
Alternate Definitions
- malaise (noun) - uneasiness; discomfort; specifically, an indefinite feeling of uneasiness, often a preliminary symptom of a serious malady
- malaise (noun) - an indefinite feeling of uneasiness, or of being sick or ill at ease