Definition of Valor
valor (noun) - strength of mind in resisting fear and braving danger; bravery; especially, courage and skill in fighting
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How can valor be used in a sentence?
The details were different, but the valor was the same.
null"valor," challenging the people they met, and even striking them.
nullAnd what the chickenhawks lack in valor, they make up for in volume!
nullI don't think any of our guys cloaked themselves in valor here tonight.
nullCaution was often the better part of valor, especially in a border town.
nullGordon Shitstain even went so far as to use the word valor to describe O'Barry.
null"I think discretion is the better part of valor in this instance," Welly said to Bentley.
nullThe same community of blood and valor is attested by Archbishop Baldric, (p. 86 Balista, Balestra,
nullShe rewarded the boy's valor with a barley pop and a hug, then walked him and his dad to their car.
null"Well, a fine child he is," said the princess, with a smile, "his valor is a safeguard in his travels.
nullValencia refers to a city and a region, both worthy of the name's Latin origin meaning "valor" or "strength."
nullShe said that you had a dash of what romanticists call valor, but that you never saw an inch before your nose.
nullIndeed you might say to Canada and of all her sons that in valor and self-sacrifice, it has been "Canada first."
nullAzimuntium; another century of patriotism and valor is cheaply purchased by such a confession.] 37 See the shameful conduct of
nullMy Mom always told me that discretion is the better part of valor, which is why the source of this wine review will go unnamed.
nullWe cannot afford to quarrel on this ground; for, though their courage was for our wounding, their valor was the valor of Americans.
nullAs for myself, I was busy with my work, for now my superiors were good enough to advance me for what they called valor on the field.
nullA forearm across the windpipe, accompanied by a vicious kidney punch, decided brown-hair that discretion was the better part of valor.
null-- The early kings were obeyed as much for their personal qualities, such as valor and strength of body, as for their hereditary title.
nullAnd yes, you had paratroopers behind, but these guys of D-Day were -- particularly in Omaha, showed a kind of valor and courage so rare.
nullWe illustrated a heroism and valor which is the admiration of the world, which is the highest pride and admiration of our gallant adversaries.
nullOh, most valiant soldiers and descendants of invincible ancestors do not degenerate; our progenitors, but recall the valor of your progenitors.
nullWe saw that valor in those who braved bullets here at Fort Hood, just as surely as we see it in those who signed up knowing they would serve in harm's way.
nullIf Eni hits those targets, and its forecast of $48-a-barrel oil for the rest of 2009 pans out, dividend discretion will have proved the better part of valor.
nullThe growing demand of tiger parts in manufacturing the so-called valor medicines, and their skin hides have significantly contributed to the poaching of tigers.
nullIn the hour of danger it was shameful for the chief to be surpassed in valor by his companions; shameful for the companions not to equal the valor of their chief.
nullHis son and successor, of the same name, was less deficient in valor than in vigilance; but he sometimes forgot that dominion is acquired and maintained by the same arms.
nullFew are called to show the kind of valor seen on flight 93 or on the field of battle, yet all of us do share a calling to be strong in adversity and to be unafraid in danger.
nullTheir tyranny was expelled, their valor was again recalled, till at length Ruric, a Scandinavian chief, became the father of a dynasty which reigned above seven hundred years.
nullHis valor was a vulgar attribute, which he shared with ten thousand knights; but Henry possessed the superior courage to oppose, in a superstitious age, the pride and avarice of the clergy.
nullOBAMA: When we came in, I think everybody understood that our Afghanistan strategy was somewhat adrift, despite the extraordinary valor of our -- the young men and women who are fighting there.
nullBut in the large view his was an incomparable influence in diffusing that temper of mingled courage and sweetness, the idealist's vision and the soldier's valor, which is the world's best help and hope.
nullThe penalties for violations involving combat valor, which is a Class A misdemeanor, are doubled, and in some cases, can go as high as $100,000, or $250,000 for a corporation, and up to a year in prison.
nullThis warlike people of Germans had been astonished by the immense preparations of Alexander Severus; they were dismayed by the arms of his successor, a barbarian equal in valor and fierceness to themselves.
nullIn every decisive conflict of the world they win who are on the righteous side; and it matters not what skill of generalship, what prowess of concentrated hosts, what desperate valor is arrayed against the right.
nullI urge all Americans to recall the valor and selflessness of all those who made this Nation worthy of our love and loyalty and to express our own loyalty through appropriate patriotic programs, ceremonies, and activities.
nullThe example of her warlike youth was propagated to succeeding generations; and they obtained, from the first or the second Justin, an honorable privilege, that their valor should be always reserved for the defence of their native country.
nullToo, I had gathered that many of the courtiers, scions of an ilk not signally noted for its valor, those who had seen me in the hall, had perhaps managed to resist the temptation to join heartily in a search which might be not without its dangers.
nullOne of the first units in the United States armed forces to have Black officers in addition to its all-black enlisted corps, the 369th compiled an astounding war record, earning several unit citations along with many individual decorations for valor from the French government.
nullFor the action happened in an elevated situation, and in sight of our army; and a great shout was raised on both sides; therefore every man faced the weapons of the enemy and the flames in as conspicuous a manner as he could, that his valor might be the better known and attested.
nullThe theme song, played over a horribly edited opening sequence crammed with shots and the names of all the people who worked on the show, promises the audience a feast of "valor" and "bravery" You know, all the "good stuff" from the "good old days" when colonial France was still around in Damascus and when men where men etc, etc.
nullHe looked at them earnestly; he remembered the long history of which his fathers were parts, he recalled their valor and their patience, and asked himself whether, after all, their manhood was not their patent of nobility; and stretching out his hands towards them, exclaimed: "Let me feel that I am indeed your son by sharing that manhood which made you noble."
nullIf it helps to win, make fun of Parkinsons disease, ridicule the widows of 9-11, bring more prejudice and bigotry to the land, demean the Purple Heart to attack your enemies even if they were awarded medals for valor, and in truth, if they were awarded medals for valor, that is a reason to attack them some more in this sick new brand of partisanship that has poisoned our politics.
nullWhen I reached the Valley pike Crook had reorganized his men, and as I desired that they should take part in the fight, for they were the very same troops that had turned Early's flank at Winchester and at Fisher's Hill, I ordered them to be pushed forward; and the alacrity and celerity with which they moved on Middletown demonstrated that their ill-fortune of the morning had not sprung from lack of valor.
nullIn the ruder ages of chivalry, such qualifications are not below the notice of the poet or historians: they may observe that Robert, at once, and with equal dexterity, could wield in the right hand his sword, his lance in the left; that in the battle of Civitella he was thrice unhorsed; and that in the close of that memorable day he was adjudged to have borne away the prize of valor from the warriors of the two armies.
Tips for Using valor in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with valor if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before valor in sentences. For example: "of valor" or "the valor"
- of
- the
- and
- his
- their
- for
- el
- with
- your
- in
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after valor in sentences. For example: "valor and" or "valor ."
- and
- .
- of
- in
- de
- to
- was
- is
- that
- ecclesiasticus
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- infantryman
- heroism
- por
- commendation
- meritorious
- venom
- bravery
- gallantry
- croix
- courage
Alternate Definitions
- valor (noun) - value; worth
- valor (noun) - a man of courage; a brave man
- valor (noun) - <strong>synonyms</strong> courage, gallantry. see <internalxref urlencoded="brave">brave</internalxref>
- valor (noun) - value; worth
- valor (noun) - strength of mind in regard to danger; that quality which enables a man to encounter danger with firmness; personal bravery; courage; prowess; intrepidity